For the sake of posterity here is Stegosaurus blog's original profile page ( November 2007 ~ January 2018. )
On Blogger Since November, 2007 ( transferred from Live Journal begun in December, 2006.)
Profile Views 724
My blogs: It's A Stegosaurus World
Industry: Agriculture
Occupation: Landscaping
Location: Boulder, Colorado, United States
Name: Stegosaurus
Age: 120 ~ 140 million years old.
Weight: A trim and fit 6 tons.
Height: 9ft. Length: 30ft. ( snout to tail, including my spikes! )
Eyes: Black
Skin: Green
Plates: Yellow all 17 of them! Spikes: 4 ( sharp!)
Education: Degree in Horticulture Consumption, VPI Class of 2007
Employment: Hokie Bird Protector ( 2007 ~ 2015 ) Asplundh Tree Expert Company ( 2015 present )
Member of the American Society of Plant Biologists
Favorite Food: Plants & roots.
Interests: Eating plants and roots, dancing the lindy hop, evolving, world travel.
Favorite Movies: Godzilla, Jurassic Park.
Favorite Music: dixieland jazz and the score to Jurassic Park.
Favorite Books: Jurassic Park, The Lost World
What's the earliest you've gotten up to watch cartoons, and what did you see?
Cartoons? Who needs to watch cartoons when you already look like one? I mean, think about it! I'm a Stegosaurus!