One thing I have noticed since I started running for the Senate is that a lot of people care about what you think. I've been interviewed a lot since I declared my canadacy so its a good thing that I really enjoy being interviewed.
1. What started the Stegosaurus?
Well, I am told that my mother found me one day while she was eating a cabbage patch, but I never believed that.... I know how it works. A mommy Stegosaurus meets a daddy Stegosaurus and they like each other very much. Then, they get together and they wiggle a little bit. I know that's hard to believe; but that's the way it has happened for over 140 million years.
2. What are your hobbies?
Dancing the lindy hop, eating plants and roots, running for the senate, and world travel.
I also like sky diving, birdwatching, and gardening. I have diverse interests for someone with a brain the size of a walnut.
3. What are your favorite songs to sing and why don't you do it more?
Oh, I sing quite often, actually. Do you have a copy of my multi platinum wax cylinder Stegosaurus Goes Opera? I am particularly fond of Italian Opera. I like to sing Una Furtiva Lagrima and dedicate it to Marilyn Maxwell. When I get together with my cousins Kentrosaurus and Lexovissaurus we like to sing Brindisi Libiamo, libiamo, ne' lieti calici. Of course, Lexovissaurus is French, so while in France I sing a lot of French opera as well. I am also particular to Showtunes, and the Jazz of my native country.
4. Where are you from and where have you been?
I am from Colorado, USA, originally. I've travelled many places and been all over, but travel was a lot easier when there was only one continent.
5. Where are you going?
Hopefully in November to the US Senate ! Then I will join my brother Triceratops and my friend Parasauralophus in the Dinosaur Congressional Caucus. Together, we will work to better the lives of the people of Colorado and the entire United States. One of our primary objectives will be to try and convince the State of Arizona that it is time for them to stop procrastinating and choose a State Dinosaur.