In Boulder, Colorado today Stegosaurus held a press conference to thank his friends at the Smithsonian Institution for naming him as one of the 101 Objects that made America.
101 objects that made America #15: Stegosaurus
"Thank you ladies and gentlemen for taking the time to come out and listen to my remarks. I am so grateful to the Smithsonian Institution for recognizing the influence that I have had on American culture, and for giving me a wonderful home. They have recognized what my father O.C. Marsh observed last week, (or maybe it was back in March of 1877) that I was " ... one of the most remarkable animals yet discovered." Kind of makes up for my friend Charlie Knight calling me "Hopelessly stupid." But I forgive him, and thank him too, for drawing and painting all those pictures of me and my friends that also contributed to my enduring popularity.
I would like to thank all the small children who love me for some reason, and the toy manufacturers who have made all those toys that the children play with ( even the inaccurate ones ) and all the books and stories small children read that encourage them to become paleontologists when they grow up. I really feel, understandably that paleontology is one of the most important and underrated jobs a mammal can hold.
I'd like to thank the Motion Picture Academy of Arts & Sciences for all the movies and cartoons I have appeared in since 1925. Especially Willis 'O Brien and Ray Harryhausen, my friends at The Dinosaur and Mythical Creature Screen Actor's Guild Local 14065 for ensuring a safe work environment and fair labor practices for the almost 90 years that I have worked in motion pictures.
I'd like to thank my agent at the Dinosaur and Mythical Creature Screen Actor's Guild Local 14065; She's really big in the industry because she's an Argentinosaurus. She's gotten me most of my gigs over the years and I really appreciate her.
I'd like to thank all the authors throughout history that have written about me, given me adventures and other imaginative things to do in my post extinction life. Especially Edgar Rice Burroughs who let me glide on my spiff, sexy plates; he knows my not so secret dream of evolving wings and flying away.
David H. Koch gives $35M to The Smithsonian Institution
Finally, I'd also really like to thank David H. Koch for giving the Smithsonian Institution $35 million to refurbish my home there. It will be nice to have some remodeling done, and I will say that I approve of it even though the Stegosaurus Construction Company did not get the contract.
Thank you all so very much. I'm flattered and honored to receive this recognition today."