Friday, October 13, 2017

"When we heard there had been hurricane damage in Texas due to hurricane Harvey, The Stegosaurus Disaster Relief Agency quickly stomped into action," said Stegosaurus. "Texas has always endured difficult times during hurricanes, but I never fail to be surprised at the resilience and independence of the mammals who live here. First we concentrated ourselves in Rockport, Texas, one of the most hard hit areas. We brought along our usual group of friends to help us, The Moa Birds, ( a small contingent of which also went up to Lake Jackson with a half dozen or so of my classmates, ) Rhedosaurus and his lovely wife Lady Rhedosaurus, and our good friend Western Black Rhino, who spent a lot of time with the Cajun Navy in Houston as well. He spent a lot of time with them at the last disaster. I think he's finally made his first post extinction friends. I'm so happy for him."

"Although I am certainly a Union dinosaur, I personally went to Brazoria County, to assist the Confederate Riders of America with the community of Cambodian refugees who live there. The mammals here were so resilient that they turned away FEMA; but they did not turn away the Stegosaurus Disaster Relief Agency! Don't think I am saying anything negative about our Federal friends.... we worked with them in other places where they are welcomed, I am simply reporting with amazement the facts of the situation. Sometimes mammals do crazy things that make me shake my head in wonder. In spite of their larger brains they can be so irrational. But at other times, in times of crisis even, they manage to pull through difficult times in the most amazing of ways."

Rhedosaurus and Lady Rhedosaurus were in Houston, building dams with a flock of Moa Birds who were rescuing stranded mammals. A few of my classmates were with them, and heard the following exchange:

"Dearest," said Rhedosaurus.

"Yes?" asked Lady Rhedosaurus.

"I haven't eaten a policeman in a while; do you think they'd miss it if I had just one?"

"You may not eat policemen."

"Not even a small one? They aren't high in calories. I promise."


"How about a FEMA agent?"

"You may not eat a FEMA agent. We definitely need those."

"How about a member of the Cajun Navy?"

"No, they are too busy saving mammals right now to be eaten."

"What about the Confederate Riders of America?"

"Not even the Confederate Riders of America."

"What is a hungry dinosaur to do? Sigh."

"Be patient, dear. I told you after we have rescued Houston we're going to stomp into Mexico and just over the border eat Mexicans."

"Oh okay. All right. But I'm only eating the Mild ones. Last time Hot Mexicans gave me indigestion."

"I heard rumors of a Wall. What if there is a Wall there?"

"No worries. New Mexico is our backup plan, and there isn't a Wall in New Mexico."

In Rockport, A flock of Moa Birds helped me rescue two entire families of mammals stranded in their homes.

"Good job," I told an Upland Moa who had mammals on his back and was taking them to higher, dry land.

"Thank you, Stegosaurus," said Moa Bird.

"Say, after we have rescued the mammals of Houston, why don't you stomp over to New Zealand and watch us for a while? We're too busy here for proper watching. We really won't mind the company."

"Thank you for inviting me," said Stegosaurus. "You are right. I have not been to New Zealand and relaxed in your country for some time now."

"We have an abundance of verdure to share," said Moa. "Bring your appetite as well. We'd be glad to see you."

And thus, our conversation ended, and I was left to anticipate a lovely vacation in New Zealand ... but there wasn't much time for reflection, we were in Houston. It will be a long time before things return to normal here. We may extend our stay into mid November, but there will be plenty of time yet. After so many millions of years, we Stegosaurids have learned to take the long view of things and be patient. We didn't mind either, as being so altruistic, it was against our nature to leave any earlier. Too many here need our help, especially after the mammal media gets bored and moves onto the next big story. One thing I want to be sure remains widely known among mammal and dinosaur alike is the reputation of the Stegosaurus Disaster Relief Agency. We have been there for the survivors of disaster in their time of need for millions of years, and expect to be there for millions of years more. It is what we do."
Write Stegosaurus an email ! Stegosaurusmail AT Gmail DOT COM