Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Kentrosaurus was delighted.

Woolly Mammoth was returning to The Holy Pentecostal Church of the Pleistocene Revival after 2 years of meditation in the remains of the city of Tanis in Egypt.

Knowing this, he had prepared for months to prepare the church for Mammoth's return and his expected sermon. The Iguanodon family was the first of the guests to arrive at the Church, as Kentrosaurus expected but this time they brought someone with them that Kentrosaurus did not know.

He stomped forthrightly, to greet his friends, and introduce himself to the dinosaurs which had come with the Iguanodons to seek the Word of God.

“Hail, Iguanodon! Hello to you and your family. May God's love shine upon you!” “Greetings, good Kentrosaurus!” said Iguanodon. “My family and I are delighted to be here this morning and look forward to the return of Woolly Mammoth and his Christmas sermon.”

“I have been preparing for this Sunday with even more care than a normal Sunday,” said Kentrosuarus. “I am delighted to see you and your entire family here.” “We are blessed to be a part of this Church family.” Mrs. Iguanodon said to Kentrosaurus, as her children gathered round her and even snuggled close to Kentrosaurus whom they knew well and admired.

“Please do introduce me to your friend. Let me welcome this newcomer to the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ.” “Oh, my apologies!” exclaimed Iguanodon. “This is our relative, recently discovered from the country of Argentina. Welcome Emiliasaura alessandrii from Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina.”

“Very pleased to meet you, good Kentrosaurus. I am recently discovered and named though I am about 138 Million Years old from the early Cretaceous period when that area comprised many Nations joined together and called Gondwanaland.”

“The Earth has changed a lot since our heyday,” observed Kentrosaurus. “But welcome to the Holy Pentecostal Church of the Pleistocene Revival; come to hear the Word of God from Woolly Mammoth who returns to the Church after a 2 year meditation retreat.

“Welcome, and Christ be with you; if you need anything just ask me. I am, in humility your servant, and glad to have you here.”

Kentrosaurus then turned to welcome other guests to the Church. Among these some of the usual attendees such as Western Black Rhino and Sister Quagga had arrived. While delighted to see his friends return, Kentrosaurus also lamented that he'd never seen Dire Wolf or Smilodon at Church as they had promised years ago. He'd hoped they'd show up during Woolly Mammoth's sabbatical so he could show Woolly Mammoth that the Chruch had grown in his absence. But Western Black Rhino was here, beginning to feel adjusted to the fact that he was extinct; and coming to God was one of the factors that helped his mental state through this difficult process.

Kentrosaurus observed Widow Ground Sloth and her son Junior enter the Church. They were such delightful friends to him and Woolly Mammoth and were definitely sincere Christians. He knew they knew the way and followed in the footsteps of The Lord. The next guest, Kentrosaurus wasn't always sure of, but Spinosaurus was always welcome provided he never tried to eat anyone at Church. Especially not during the sermon.

Kentrosaurus was elated that he had helped to bring Western Black Rhino some peace to his soul. And Sister Quagga was here. She usually spent her time grazing upon the African plain; but she was a fairly frequent guest of the Church as she came there to visit with her neighbors. Kentrosuarus knew she was an Atheist, but he held out hope, especially on Christmas Day, that someday soon she would hear a sermon that would give her the epiphany which would save her soul.

Then Nigersaurus arrived; and being a sauropod he stomped into the prayer garden and stuck his head through the Church skylight. “Hello, there!” he said, “I heard that Woolly Mammoth is coming back, and will be giving a sermon this Christmas Morning.”

“It is true,” confirmed Kentrosaurus. “Welcome, Nigersaurus, I am so pleased to see you this morning.”

“Is Stegosaurus coming to the sermon?” Nigersaurus asked.

“Stegosaurus is not here; he is in Tibet with our cousin Wuerhosaurus,” replied Kentrosaurus.

“It would have been nice to see him,” rejoined Nigersaurus. “Next time you speak, please send him my regards.”

“I will,” promised Kentrosaurus.

Woolly Rhino was next to arrive, giving greetings to Western Black Rhino, who met him in the narthex.

He noticed the presence of Emiliasaura alessandrii and asked Kentrrosaurus, “Who is that?”

“This is our guest from Argentina Emiliasaura alessandrii, who is a relative of the Iguanodon family, and he was recently discovered. We're glad to have him here.”

“I shall introduce myself,” said Woolly Rhino, and to Western Black Rhino he asked, “Would you like to come with me? Let us make a new friend.”

“Wait,” said Kentrosaurus. “I note that the time has arrived for Woolly Mammoth to return and deliver the Christmas sermon. By all means, introduce yourselves after the sermon.”

“I look forward to it,” said Western Black Rhino.

The church was full of dinosaurs and megafauna expecting the return of Woolly Mammoth and his first sermon in 2 years, this fine, Christmas Morning.

As he entered the Church, Woolly Mammoth surveyed his beloved congregation and saw many familiar faces which warmed his heart. Then, he noticed Emiliasaura alessandrii there and was delighted as always, to see new faces at his Church. He felt called to introduce himself at once, immediately going to the far back corner of the Church, where Emiliasaura alessandrii was speaking to the Iguanodon family.

“Greetings, Iguanodon family !! May the Blessings of the Lord Jesus be upon you!”

“We are so pleased to see you here, Mammoth and look forward to your Christmas Day sermon.”

“I shall speak shortly, but I see you have a friend with you new to our Church. Who might he be?” asked Woolly Mammoth.

“A pleasure to meet you, Woolly Mammoth. I too, eagerly await your Christmas Day sermon. I am Emiliasaura alessandrii, a relative of the Iguanodon family, recently discovered in 2013, I am from Argentina.”

“Welcome to my Church, my Brother in Christ,” said Woolly Mammoth. Then, Mammoth noticed behind him the arrival of Western Black Rhino and Woolly Rhino.

“Ah!” exclaimed Mammoth. “Welcome, Emiliasaura alessandrii, and here is Western Black Rhino and Woolly Rhino. Have you met them? They are stout and loyal to the Church and our God.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” said Western Black Rhino. “I could not help but overhear your conversation with Mammoth, and I hear you were discovered the same year that the mammal scientists declared me extinct. We have something in common!!”

“So, we do, so we do,” said Emiliasaura alessandrii “A pleasure to meet you and your Woolly friend.”

“I am Woolly Rhino,” said Woolly Rhino as he introduced himself.

“A pleasure to meet you both,” said Emiliasaura alessandrii. “Please be welcome in our pew and listen to the sermon with me and the Iguanodons.”

“I shall go at once and give the Sermon on this Blessed Day,” said Woolly Mammoth.

The two rhinos agreed to remain with their new friend and Woolly Mammoth returned to the front of the Chruch and prepared to give his sermon, the entire congregation waited with breathless anticipation.

Woolly Mammoth returned to the pulpit, and said,

“Welcome one and all, dinosaur and megafauna, I am glad to see you all and glad to be back at my Church preaching the Word of God. Merry Christmas to one and all. This morning my sermon is on the 3rd verse of St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians which was written around 60 – 61, AD. I know that all of us here are Children of the one True God, Jesus Christ, and knowing this, as we do, we should all set our eyes not upon things of this Earth, but upon the skies of Heaven and the World beyond and above us. Therein is the example that Christ came to earth to teach us, therein is the key to life eternal, a life of peace and true prosperity. For you take no earthly thing with you to the afterlife all that you have is that which you have given to others by your example, an example I pray is an example of God, Jesus in this earth.

Discard then anything that ties you to the physical world, and focus upon the future of your eternal souls. Reject any immoral act of the flesh, any desire that would not meet the approval of God or your higher, ideal self. Keep as an example that which the Lord gave to us when he sent his only Son into the World. For Jesus is the light that we all need to keep in sight. We cannot do that focused on the cares of this World; Jesus wants more for us all. He has provided the example and we must follow.

We cannot reject it and remain at peace while in the physical world. If we are ever to reach that high station that the Son of God provided as an example we must look above and turn within to find the voice of our Lord speaking to us, reminding us of what he taught, what he promised if we would just make the decision, to follow.

Can you see, as the scripture instructs, we must do this, or the wrath of God shall be upon us for rejecting Him and turning outwardly to our own selfish desires and needs. God wants you to be a part of Him, wants to give you that opportunity for eternal life.

Choose wisely and reject any thing that binds you to the earth. Any impurity, selfishness or greed, this is idolatry. Reject anger, rage, and malice from your hearts. Do not swear nor take the Lord's name in vain, do not lie to yourselves or each other as your old selves represent the life you left behind when the Lord came into your life.

Keep looking up, keep looking within, and you will see the Lord waiting for you. He is listening for your prayer. Embrace your new image the image of your God, within and without. All you have learned is an example and opportunity to learn more. To be more graceful, more kind, more gentle. I hope it is easier to do this time of year as we celebrate the birth of our Lord at Christmastide, but the example of Jesus is one we should always embrace and love as He loves us.

As the scripture reads, thus, “Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.”

Practice as a general rule, kindness, compassion, humility, gentleness and patience, and if you develop a grievance with your brother or sister, cast it aside and forgive it. Forgive it with love. Be one with God, in unity. Express your solidarity with Christ through such things that please the Lord. For example, sing psalms, hymns and songs of the Spirit. Spend some part of the day within, in meditation with the still, small voice of your soul. Do this every day, and the Gift that the Lord wants for you is yours and you are truly free. No matter what you do, give thanks onto the Lord Jesus Christ and be thankful you are here at this time to experience that which had been scorned and rejected by the Worldly of the World. Give thanks to God the Father through Him, Jesus almighty.

If you face difficulty and need help be not afraid to ask, be not ashamed. We all falter from time to time this is the unfortunate fact of our times but we can rise above, and the Lord Jesus points the way.

Now peace be with you, and if you need any help do not hesitate to ask me, I am here, your servant of the Lord, waiting and able to help if I am needed. Merry Christmas to one and all of any kind, where ever you came from near or far. God bless us, everyone."

Write Stegosaurus an email ! Stegosaurusmail AT Gmail DOT COM