"I had myself a delightful 140 million and 7th birthday earlier this week," said Stegosaurus. "I spent the afternoon on a relaxing birdwatching trip with a flock of Passenger Pigeons and Carolina Parakeets. I also ate a nice meal of that miracle of modern technology, grass, and of course this cake. My sincere wish is that when you reach the age of 140 million and 7 you will have as great a day and as great a time in your life as I have had in mine."
"I don't want you to think my life has always been easy by any means. I very much dislike insects which annoy me considerably, and there was this one time that a meteor slammed into the Yucatán Peninsula, that was a pretty bad day. But overall for the last 140 million and 7 years my life has been blessed. I really can't wait to see what each day brings me; I have tons of fun where ever I go."