Sunday, July 12, 2015
Stegosaurus went to the internet and checked Ticketmaster on line to see if Ada Jones was giving a concert tour this summer.
"Having left Texas well after my Disaster Relief Agency had helped rebuild some of the damaged areas there, I stomped on over to Long Island New York to see if I could find Ada," said Stegosaurus. "I had a nice meal of Betula Lenta, some really nice and delicious Cercis canadensis, and even some really good Liriodendron tulipifera while I was there visiting New York, but Miss Jones must have been out of town, perhaps to Roanoke,VA under the auspices of the Roanoke Cycle Company. I don't know. She was nowhere to be found."
"I was disappointed," conceded the well traveled Plate Lizard, "But I did stop by the Natural History Museum while I was in the neighborhood and made a little extra money playing extinct for a while. Julio and his children didn't stop by this time, unfortunately."
"Perhaps I'll stomp home to Colorado before the summer is out and visit my old friend and favorite guitarist Nick Lucas; I'm sure he's still popular with the small children today. I don't see how his fame could ever fade."
"Maybe it will be that I'll have better luck trying to attend a concert by Jenny Lind; in her case I might have to get on my raft and float forthrightly to Sweden, but it would be so worth it! She is such a cutting edge popular singer these days!"