Friday, December 19, 2014

"Earlier this month I stomped forthrightly to Washington, DC. I had been invited by Congresssaruus Triceratops to visit and attend a speech he was giving on December 5th," said Stegosaurus.

"You will be very interested in my speech," said Congresssaurus Triceratops. "If not, it will at least be very nice to see you. We plant eaters must stick together. There are so many bloodthirsty meat eating types in Congress which I must deal with so frequently it will be nice to spend time catching up with a fellow herbivore."

"I would be pleased to hear your speech," said Stegosaurus. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Very glad to do so, but look at that...." said Congresssaurus Triceratops, then suddenly dejected continued .... "Look there is no one else here. Not even other members of the Dinosaur Congressional Caucus."

"Well, it is the Holiday for mammals," said Stegosaurus. "Perhaps even some dinosaurs. I will still be glad to hear your speech."

"Thank you, Stegosaurus," said Congresssaurus Triceratops.

"I speak today," began Congresssaurus Triceratops, "On what manner you should act towards your fellows. Let me ask. Do you want to be treated fairly? Do you want your actions or intent to be viewed positively, and favorably? Then make it so! Bring about honorable intent by making it so in your actions. Lead the example, then all shall see, and speak upon you with favor. Deal fairly and honorably.
Be not of a positive manner to your friend's face, and then negative behind his back. In time the deceit will be discovered! A damaged reputation often cannot be recovered."

"That these negative traits cling and cloud over time we know, so that it may be a palpable stain in society. Make it not so! Just as much you may effect an aura of good will and be upon others a light and guidance. This choice is up to you. Lie not! Do not cheat! Do not manipulate! If you say you will do something, do it! If circumstances arise that prevent you from keeping your word, it is incumbent upon your honor to be up front and explain why you cannot as soon as possible. Beg amends, and it shall be given unto you."

"Leave not your fellows in darkness. If you cannot do this, and your fraud is discovered, you will lose all measure of respect. You will be lower in the sight of your fellows, and of all Nature. A tarnished reputation again, is not easily cleaned. Guard well a good reputation and live by it. This city certainly needs leaders and citizens of integrity. But not just this city. The entire Nation has lost its way and turned its back on decency. Verily, the entire world! Then mammal and dinosaur alike will well wonder, what went wrong can they not know they are part of the problem? You must only take what you can earn honestly. If you have gained illicitly, verily I say even if you think no one is harmed, all shall know in time for nothing can be hidden."

"The law of attraction shall bring to life ten fold that which you create and things will spiral from there forward. It is up to you which direction things will head by what you choose! Make it a spiral that expands love and trust and honor! Integrity! Peace! Fairness! Justice! We see what all this negative behavior hath wrought. It is a cancer of the mind! It is worse than a plague of insects! Worse than a flood! Worse than a meteor shower! Like attracts like and YOU are the creator and controller of your destiny. What will you be? Choose!"

"What matters your moral compass if you do not follow it? What day you break bread or fast from bread? What name you use while your neighbor uses another for the same ritual? To you! So I say, what matters then is the ideal that you hold. Find that common ground, that you present to the world. Live this ideal and set the example. Speak softly and listen much. Talk to find your common ground. For that which you think you create and then, you be! This is the wisdom I have gathered after 70 or so million years in being a part of this legislative body. I beg you to heed! In this time of Holiday season and always! Thank you."
Write Stegosaurus an email ! Stegosaurusmail AT Gmail DOT COM