Sunday, December 25, 2022

Salut, je m’appelle Lexovisaurus !!

Alors que j’étais en Chine avec ma femme à notre réunion de famille, le cousin Stégosaurus a suggéré que ma femme Loricatosaurus et moi lui rendions visite pour les vacances de Noël. Nous avions, bien sûr, voyagé très loin et étions en Chine depuis un certain temps. Mais il était également vrai que nous n’étions pas venus pour Noël depuis la semaine dernière, ou peut-être que c’était en 2007. Comme cela faisait un certain temps, ma femme et moi étions volontiers d’accord, d’autant plus qu’elle n’était pas allée en Amérique pour célébrer Noël auparavant.

Nous sommes tous partis de Chine sur deux radeaux séparés, faisant nos adieux à Wuerhosaurus, à nos autres cousins et au célèbre mammifère Dong Zhiming. Nous avons promis de revenir, après nous être énormément amusés. Heureusement, le voyage de retour en Amérique s’est déroulé sans incident. Nous avons, rencontré une tempête en mer, ce qui nous a rappelé que les stégosaures ne sont en aucun cas des animaux marins, même de loin, mais nous y sommes. Nous n’en avons eu aucun effet et nous avons été très heureux quand une fois de plus nos griffes ont pu toucher la Terre, qui était le 18 décembre, après avoir atterri à New York.

Stégosaurus a eu un certain nombre de ses propres surprises pour nous, dont la première était des billets pour sa représentation annuelle du comte Drosselmeyer dans le ballet Casse-Noisette de Tschiakovski. Notre cousin américain sait à quel point nous aimons assister à des programmes artistiques et à des événements culturels. Bien sûr, nous avions longtemps entendu parler de l’implication du stégosaure dans le ballet, mais nous n’avions jamais vu de représentation auparavant. C’est un comte Drosselmeyer si gracieux ; on ne s’y attendrait pas, de la part d’un stégosaure, étant donné que notre poids moyen est de 6 tonnes. Tout le monde était tellement habitué à voir un stégosaure dans la performance que personne ne remettait en question la présence de moi ou de ma femme. En fait, beaucoup ont été impressionnés par les différences dans nos pointes. Ils nous ont également souhaité un Joyeux Noël. En effet, ils étaient si gentils et pleins de joie de Noël que les acteurs de mammifères nous ont demandé si nous voulions nous joindre à eux pour chanter dans Central Park avant de nous rendre directement au Colorado. Stégosaurus a eu une autre surprise pour nous quand nous sommes arrivés dans son état natal et sa grotte natale.

Nos compagnons, ainsi que ceux de Central Park qui nous ont vus et entendus ont été très impressionnés par nos voix, qui, comme vous le savez, rappellent Mario Lanza et Louis Armstrong, quel que soit notre sexe. D’une manière ou d’une autre, cela rencontre l’approbation de nombreux mammifères. Ma femme pense que c’est peut-être juste la nouveauté puisque la plupart des dinosaures ne chantent pas. Elle a insisté pour chanter une interprétation de « Bring A Torch, Jeannette Isabella », étant l’individu audacieux qu’elle est, ce qui était un délice pour tout le monde.

Ce sont toutes les chansons que nous avons chantées ce soir-là. Nous étions tellement pleins de joie.

Apportez une torche, Jeannette Isabella

Le chant Huron

Le chant de Sussex

Le chant de Wexford

Le cerisier Carol

Je vous salue Marie, pleine de grâce

Le premier Noël

Le chant du Bellman

En bas dans la forêt

Ô Sainte Nuit

Que Dieu vous accorde la clé, Messieurs

L’ancienne année maintenant loin

Nuit silencieuse

Après une délicieuse soirée de piétinement à New York et de chants, lorsque le soleil s’est de nouveau levé, nous avons tous piétiné franchement la grotte du stégosaure à Boulder, au Colorado. Nous sommes arrivés la veille de Noël, assez commodément.

Nous avons constaté qu’il ne faisait pas plus chaud au Colorado qu’à New York quand nous sommes arrivés, mais vous savez que nous, les stégosaures, pouvons encore nous souvenir d’un monde subtropical plus chaud sans calottes glaciaires polaires, et vous savez comment la saison de Noël rend nostalgique les jours quelque part entre la semaine dernière et il y a 140 millions d’années, lorsque nous étions tout juste sortis de nos coquilles et que le froid n’était pas une chose inventée jusqu’au Crétacé supérieur. Ma femme et moi avons d’abord été choqués par la deuxième surprise de Noël de Stégosaurus, qu’il nous a révélée dès notre arrivée dans sa grotte.

« Regarde, cousin !! Voici une surprise de Noël pour vous et Loricatosaurus !! C’est mon frère Allosaurus qui vient profiter du dîner de Noël avec nous !! » dit Stégosaurus.

« Vous devez plaisanter !! » s’est exclamé ma femme alarmée. Je savais qu’elle avait une queue fraîche et hérissée tout à fait efficace, mais mon amour et mon affection pour elle m’ont dicté de marcher devant elle afin de la protéger d’un mangeur de viande affamé.

« Ne t’inquiète pas, » dit Allosaurus avec un sourire aux dents. « Je suis sur les manières de Noël et je ne vous mangerai pas, vous ou votre charmante femme. Je le promets.

« Je ne sais pas si je le crois », m’a dit ma femme. Prenant un moment pour regarder Stégosaurus, encore choqué. C’était une très mauvaise blague.

« Je suis désolé que ma surprise vous ait alarmé », a déclaré Stégosaurus. « Je ne voulais pas vous alarmer, mais croyez-moi, je sais par expérience avec Allosaurus dans les Noëls passés qu’il tiendra parole. Je voulais juste que la famille soit ensemble pour les vacances. »

Ma femme, étant éduquée, savait que Stégosaurus n’était pas réellement lié à un Allosaurus, mais elle n’a pas insisté sur la question, elle voulait juste passer à autre chose et profiter des vacances, tout comme moi.

« Regardez, je vais vous prouver que j’aime Noël », a déclaré Allosaurus. « C’est pourquoi j’ai apporté avec moi un arbre de la famille des Cycadales et je vais vous prouver à tous les deux que j’essaie seulement de m’intégrer en le mangeant. »

« Oh, ce sera nouveau », ai-je dit. Il l’a fait, à la surprise de tout le monde, même de Stégosaurus. C’était un miracle de Noël. Certes, il n’a pas mangé tout l’arbre, mais il a mangé toutes les feuilles de Cycadales.

« Tu vois, je te l’ai dit. Maintenant, je ne peux rien garantir le 26 décembre, mais pour Noël, je promets de ne pas ruiner le vôtre en mangeant l’un d’entre vous », a déclaré Allosaurus.

« S’il vous plaît, donnez-moi une chance. »

« S’il vous plaît, soyez gentil », demanda Stégosaurus. « Frère Allosaurus a piétiné depuis l’Utah pour être ici avec nous aujourd’hui. »

Et c’est ainsi que nous avons donné l’exemple à Noël du Lion couché avec l’Agneau, ou plus précisément du Stégosaure avec l’Allosaurus.

C’était vraiment remarquable qu’aucun d’entre nous ne se soit éteints, mais c’est la saison des miracles après tout.

“Joyeux Noël à tous !! “

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

In the same time period that Lexovissaurus and Loricatosaurus were on vacation in Marseille, and while Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus were in China visiting Wuerhosaurus and a number of other cousins native to that country, in Johannesburg, South Africa, Junior Ground Sloth and his mother were in their beloved avocado grove eating their lunch.

"Do you know what I read in the science papers today, mama ? I discovered something very interesting," said Junior.

"What did you discover, son? The matter of mammal science fascinates me." rejoined his mother, Widow Ground Sloth.

"Well, wait til you hear this. I mean, I do like avocados and all, I appreciate our avocado grove, I think I always will."

"Where is this conversation headed?" asked Widow Ground Sloth. "Are you, like Brontosaurus, having a midlife crisis and considering changing your name?"

"Actually mama, I am proud of my name; I'm not changing it. What has me intrigued is the science papers now speculate that we Giant Ground Sloths, ( someday I will BE Giant ), were not just avocado eaters, but that we also eat meat from time to time."

"Very interesting," said Widow Ground Sloth.

"My question is, the next time that the mammal who helped us to replant our Avocado Grove .... Steve Beaver visits, can we eat him ? I want to know what meat tastes like!"

"You must be kidding, Junior ! No, you may not eat Mr. Beaver. Giant Ground Sloths are civilized and do not eat our friends !! Where would we be if we didn't have this Avocado Grove? If we didn't have this nice grove, we'd have to stomp forthrightly all the way into Egypt to get decent avocados !! Oh dear, oh dear !! I have always been worried ever since your father became extinct in the tar pit that you would become a juvenile delinquent !! Oh dear !! oh dear !! Whatever shall I do with you ?!? Is this the way you treat your long suffering mother in her old age ? I'm a little over 11 thousand years old, and I never imagined in all my 11 thousand years that I would live to see the day that any son of mine would be so dreadfully uncivilized as to consider becoming a meat eater !! Why, its so low that it is just like what a meat eater would do !! Let me make this clear, so very clear that even our friend Stegosaurus with his walnut brain could understand it ! YOU, YOUNG SLOTH, ARE GROUNDED!!"

"But, but, mama, " Protested Junior Ground Sloth, "It's science !! Don't you believe in science? I read it in the science papers, I'm not making it up!"

"Go eat Avocados and tree leaves until you get this idea of meat eating out of your mind ! Furthermore, the next time Steve Beaver visits you must mind your manners and apologize !"

"Oh but mama, he doesn't know !! That's not fair!"

"If I ever catch you eating Steve Beaver or anything else other than our usual diet, there's going to be trouble!"

"Didn't you just say that the article was very interesting?!"

"Do as you are told, Junior Ground Sloth !" commanded Widow Ground Sloth to her son.

Thus, Junior Ground Sloth, dejected, went into the Avocado grove and began to eat leaves as he was told.

After a good couple of days in the corner of the Avocado Grove, Widow Ground Sloth spoke to her son.

"Junior, I'm sorry for what I did; I know I told you eating meat was interesting. I just want to be sure you know that if you start eating meat, that we really should not eat our friends. I want you to be a good Sloth; it would honor the memory of your dearly departed father."

"I know, mama, I know.I promise to be a good Sloth from now on. I will be a plant eater."

So it was that Junior Ground Sloth left the Avocado grove in search of some animal that would allow itself to be eaten in order to satiate his curiosity.

First he arrives at the African plains and finds Sister Quagga in her usual spot trimming the plains.

"Hello, Sister Quagga," said Junior Ground Sloth.

"Hello, Junior Ground Sloth," said Sister Quagga. "What brings you away from your Avocado Grove to the African Plains?"

"Sister Quagga, I know you are wise, and maybe you can help me. I read in the science papers recently that Ground Sloths are omnivores; and I am now obsessed with the idea of being a meat eater. The problem is that I have disturbed my poor mother who grounded me for a few days, and I can't think of anyone I could ask about how to hunt for meat because any meat eaters I could think of would also eat me. I only know plant eaters because I've only ever eaten plants."

"I understand," said Sister Quagga. "Even I, myself, tend to know mostly plant eaters. But I do have one suggestion. I would still advise caution, but consider speaking to Spinosaurus. Spinosaurus has a reputation of restraint due to his work with Stegosaurus Claus at Christmastide. Maybe he will help you."

"What a great idea !!" exclaimed Junior Ground Sloth. "Thank you Sister Quagga. "Let me ask you, do you, yourself ever have any curiosity about eating meat?"

"I cannot say that I have," said Sister Quagga honestly, "Though I do try to help my friends in whatever way I can so I directed you to Spinosaurus. Again, I caution you to be careful. Forgive your mother, and proceed with caution; you don't want to give her the experience of losing her son so soon after losing her husband."

"Don't worry, Sister Quagga," said Junior Ground Sloth. "My mama and I are on good terms. I understand her concerns. Thank you for your help."

Thus, Junior Ground Sloth departed the African Plains for the Niger river. He saw Nigersaurus there, but did not speak to him, as he saw the sauropod was napping in the river with the shade of a nearby tree covering his head. When he had crossed the section of the river in which Nigersaurus lived, he quickened his pace, knowing that anon he would see the pool where Spinosaurus lived ever since science told him he could swim.

He waited patiently for Spinosaurus to emerge, which he did after about a half an hour to 45 minutes.

"Oh, look !" Spinosaurus said. Here's my morning snack, right on schedule!"

"Wait, please, Spinosaurus," pleaded Junior Ground Sloth. "I need your advice, and was directed to you by Sister Quagga."

"Make it good, little Ground Sloth; I'm hungry !" replied Spinosaurus.

"Spinosaurus, I have a favor to ask of you. I've read in the science papers recently that we Ground Sloths are omnivores. After a lifetime of eating plants, and avocados, I'm really curious to know what meat tastes like. Can you catch something for me to try? I don't know how. If i really like meat, I'll learn how to catch it on my own."

"Very well, I will catch a fish for you from pool I live in. When you come recommended by Sister Quagga, I must use my manners and not eat you. But I must also be honest in that for the future you should be careful around my pool since I do consider Ground Sloth one of the great delicacies."

"Wonderful, thank you, Spinosaurus," said Junior Ground Sloth. "Your warning is well noted."

Shortly, Spinosaurus returned with a mouthful of Tilapia for Junior Ground Sloth to try, which he did, quickly. In part, because of his zeal over eating meat, but also a sudden fear for his life.

"Thank you once again, Spinosaurus. May I take a few fishes home to our avocado grove for my mama ??"

"Yes," said Spinosaurus, licking his lips.

Junior Ground Sloth, realizing that it was still quite some time before Spinosaurus would be bound by his Christmastime promises of good behavior decided not to test the patient generosity of the hungry dinosaur before him. He took the remaining Tilapia and returned to his mother and their grove of avocados as quickly as he could.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Salut, mon nom est Lexovissaurus !!

Ma charmante épouse et moi avons appris le projet de réunion de famille de Wuerhosaurus (annoncé alors comme une mystérieuse surprise), mais nous étions un peu en retard car nous étions en vacances à Marseille, et même si nous venions de rentrer, nous avons immédiatement décidé d'y assister. Heureusement, j'ai empêché ma femme de manger notre radeau.

Le voyage a été long et heureusement sans incident. Arrivés à Macao, nous avons découvert un joli bosquet de Populus euphratica à manger. Je pouvais dire qu'un troupeau de nos cousins avait été ici avant nous, donc je savais que c'était quelque chose que nous pouvions manger qui ne violerait pas les coutumes de notre pays d'accueil. Alors que nous consommons tous les deux des arbres avec zèle, Wuerhosaurus est venu sur nous, arrivant avec un très petit cousin que nous n'avions jamais rencontré auparavant.

« Salut, bons cousins ! dit Wuerhosaurus ; « Bienvenue dans ma réunion de famille ! Voici votre cousin Chungkingosaurus. Nous sommes ravis de vous voir ici. Nous sommes si heureux de vous voir venir nous rendre visite, car j'ai encore une surprise, une surprise bienvenue pour vous et les vôtres."

"Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue pour votre gentillesse et votre générosité Wuerhosaurus. Et c'est agréable de rencontrer enfin votre cousin Chungkingosaurus", a déclaré Loricatosaurus.

"J'ai beaucoup entendu parler de vous deux," dit Chungkingosaurus. "A tel point que j'espère que cela ne vous dérange pas que j'observe la seule chose que je suis sûr que nous ayons en commun. La rumeur est que je suis peut-être un juvénile de Huayangosarus, ce qui ferait de moi un nomen dubium individuel dans l'espèce et vous , Lexovissaurus m'inspirent à passer à autre chose malgré le décret potentiel des paléontologues des mammifères ; jusqu'à ce que je sache ce qu'il adviendra de moi, et ainsi je tirerai le meilleur parti d'exister jusqu'à ce que les paléontologues savent si j'existe."

"J'ai récemment appris moi-même que je n'existe pas", ai-je dit à Chungkingosaurus. "Alors, s'il vous plaît, parlez-moi ou à ma charmante épouse si vous avez des questions. Il y a encore tellement de choses que vous pouvez faire quand vous n'existez pas. "

"Oui, nous serons heureux de vous aider", a déclaré Loricatosaurus.

Les quatre Stegosaurids se sont ensuite rendus dans la province chinoise du Xinjiang où tous les autres Stegosaurids ont patiemment attendu leur arrivée.

"J'ai exprimé ma surprise en voyant un mammifère parmi mes cousins y paître paisiblement. Wuerhosaurus m'a expliqué : "C'est un célèbre mammifère chinois nommé Dong Zhiming ; il m'a découvert en 1973 et, au cours des prochaines années, de nombreux cousins que vous rencontrerez aujourd'hui. "

"J'ai tout de suite reconnu mes cousins Stegosaurus et Kentrosaurus qui broutaient ensemble."

"Bonjour bons cousins !" Stegosaurus m'a dit ainsi qu'à ma charmante épouse.

"Dieu soit loué, car vous êtes tous les deux arrivés sains et saufs", a déclaré Kentrosaurus.

"Je vous suggère fortement de prendre le temps de parler au très intelligent mammifère Dong Zhiming", nous a conseillé Stegosaurus.

"Vous pouvez en apprendre beaucoup sur vous-même en apprenant ce que les mammifères ont appris sur vous." ajouta Kentrosaurus.

"Je suis toujours en faveur de l'apprentissage", a déclaré Loricatosaurus.

Très cher, tu es toujours curieux, le plus intelligent des dinosaures », ai-je dit à ma femme.

Nous quittons alors nos cousins les plus connus et recherchons immédiatement l'audience du mammifère Dong Zhiming, ravi de nous rencontrer en personne.

"Je suis si heureux de voir que vous avez finalement réussi", a déclaré M. Zhiming. Puis, à ma femme, il a dit : « J'attends avec impatience une discussion avec le seul dinosaure à avoir un diplôme dans ma profession. Je suis, après tout, aussi curieux de tout savoir sur vous.

"Nous apprécions tout ce que vous avez accompli pour notre race au cours des 50 dernières années", a déclaré Loricatosaurus. "Ou, la semaine dernière, aussi longue que cela ait été."

Une telle passion est mon honneur », a déclaré M. Zhiming.

La discussion à long terme qui a suivi a rassemblé tous les Stegosaurids alors qu'elle devenait une conférence informelle. Kentrosaurus a comparé les pointes d'épaule avec Tuojiangosaurus et Huayjiangosaurus, tandis que j'ai longuement parlé avec Chungkingosaurus des particularités d'être nommé dubium. Ma femme Loricatosaurus a dit à nos cousins orientaux que cela ne la dérangeait pas d'avoir des pointes d'épaule et de ne plus avoir de pointes d'épaule.

Cousin Stegosaurus a accepté. Il a dit: "Cela ne me dérange pas que je n'aie pas de pointes d'épaule ou de dos pour me défendre ou me comparer aux autres; j'avoue que ce que je désire, c'est faire pousser des plumes et glisser comme des oiseaux, comme je peux le faire dans les livres."

"Comptez vos bénédictions, cousin Stegosaurus", a conseillé le cousin Bashanosaurus. "Car la vérité est qu'aucun de nous ne sera jamais aussi bien considéré que vous ni aussi aimé par les petits enfants partout pendant des générations."

Les choses que les mammifères ont apprises de Bashanosaurus et de moi sont significatives », a déclaré Miragaia ; "Pourtant, nous nous tiendrons toujours dans ton ombre."

Stegosaurus a rejoint avec reconnaissance, "Merci bons cousins. J'ai une queue fraîche et hérissée là où ça compte."

"Et ainsi, nous sommes restés visiteurs dans le pays de Chine jusqu'au début décembre. Ce fut une délicieuse réunion dont nous avons profité, retournant dans notre grotte en France à temps pour célébrer les fêtes de fin d'année."

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Wuerhosaurus then led his cousins to one of his favorite places in the forest: a grove of Populus euphratica for dinner.

"My dear cousins," said Wuerhosaurus, " I have another guest to introduce to you after dinner. Please enjoy these trees; they are of my favorite variety in my native province. Whenever I visit from my adopted Tibet, I make sure to eat a few. They are a delight and I hope you like them."

"I do not think I have ever eaten this species of tree before, cousin," said Stegosaurus.

"They are delicious. "Thank you for introducing me to them. The delicious fruit that they bear is so delicious that it is worth standing on your hind legs for brief periods of time in order to reach them. "

"Glad you like them, cousin, I prefer the seeds within and the leaves of variable shape on the tree myself."

"Just like Brother Horse," observed Bashanosaurus.

"Who is our mystery guest, Wuerhosaurus?" asked Kentrosaurus.

"A very special mammal," said Wuerhosaurus. "He is a paleontologist and knows all about our fossils."

"Learning about what mammals know about us, and what they think they know about us is always interesting, " observed Tuojiangosaurus.

"I look forward to making the acquaintance of this mammal," said Miragaia.

When the herd of Stegosaurids had finished dinner, Wuerhosaurus led his cousins back to his cave, where, as he expected, his guest had arrived and was awaiting the return of Wuerhosaurus and his cousins.

"Here he is, my cousins, the mammal I have wanted to introduce you to. This is Professor Dong Zhiming, a very famous paleontologist of my native Country. He discovered me however partial I may be, in 1973. I am one of the youngest Stegosaurids to exist; I am about 70 million years old, and my partial fossils have been discovered in Mongolia as well as right here in the Chinese province known as Xinjiang. He also discovered and named many of you here today. Please welcome this very wise mammal and make him feel at home."

"Hello, Wuerhosaurus," said Mr. Zhiming, Thank you for the introduction Wuerhosaurus. I am very glad to be here to meet with you all and am honored to be a part of your celebration. The discovery of Bashanosaurus and his age particularly, brings great honor to the country of China as well as the history of the species of Stegosaurus."

"We are all pleased to have you with us Mr. Dong Zhiming, we'd like to thank you for discovering and naming many of us," said Wuerhosaurus.

"I am myself honored to be a part of the process, but I do not deserve all the honor. It is you who inspire me, to pursue my life's vocation. My life's calling. Without you I'd have nothing to discover, name or classify."

"We appreciate your humility; Thank you," said Huayangosaurus.

"We do not want to forget our visitors from other lands, the Stegosaurus species from places other than China. Namely Kentrosaurus of South Africa, and the iconic Stegosaurus of Colorado in the United States. Ah! Where are our French Stegosaurids Lexovissaurus and Loricatosaurus?" asked Dong Zhiming.

"Good sir," rejoined Wuerhosaurus, our French cousins had a prior commitment, we are told, in Marseilles, and have been invited to visit my cave on their own as soon as they can get here. If you'd like to remain here for an extended stay, or return when they are here to visit us, you are certainly welcome to do so," said Wuerhosaurus.

"I will certainly do so," said Dong Zhiming. "It is an honor. "

"Would you like to try a meal of Populus euphratica, Mr. Dong Zhiming?" asked Stegosaurus. "I am sure you'd like them. I find them very delicious."

"Thank you Stegosaurus, but I am a mammal, you know, and find a simple bowl of rice to be sufficient for my needs."

"Oh I like rice. It goes very well over a nice meal of aloe plant," observed Stegosaurus.

The Stegosaurids were absolutely delighted to be in the presence of a mammal who knew so much about them, even things they didn't know themselves.

"Turns out its really not easy to know things about yourself when your brain is the size of a walnut," observed Chungkingosaurus.

Wuerhosaurus was glad as it turned out that his French cousins did not attend; this meant, with the added help of Professor Zhimming it would be a great incentive to hold another party, and thus, maximize the amount of time he can spend and things he can learn from his cousin, and other family members. He and his cousins spoke long and well into the night, fascinated by the knowledge of their special guest. Of course, everything they learned, they forgot shortly thereafter; but in that moment, they learned much as quickly as they could, and were understandably proud of the role of the Stegosaurus family in the history of China.

Friday, July 29, 2022

"I got communication from my cousin Wuerhosaurus in Tibet very recently," said Stegosaurus. "The missive was longer than his usual as he excitedly suggested to me a family reunion in Tibet. He also hinted that he had a grand surprise, and could I be sure to invite Kentrosaurus, Lexovissaurus and Loricatosaurus ? They must, ideally be present," he insisted.

Subsequently, I sent my own communication to Kentrosaurus, and though he expressed some confusion about Wuerhosaurus' uncharacteristic evasiveness, he told me that he had received permission from Woolly Mammoth for time off from his groundskeeper duties at the Church, and he said he'd see me in Tibet. Unfortunately, Lexovissaurus responded to me that he and his wife would not be able to make it as they were shortly to go on vacation in Marseille and regretfully declined. I wished them well, and promised to visit them soon. It has been a while since I, myself, have been to France.

I managed to construct a raft, ( having eaten the one I used on my last rafting trip, ) and set off for Tibet from Colorado on the Summer Solstice. I had a long but uneventful trip, all the while my curiosity grew about Wuerhosaurus' surprise and the reason he requested his cousins to visit him at this time. He's usually so busy meditating and contemplating that he does not make plans for all his cousins to be in one place for a reunion so large. I was surprised he wanted it in Tibet, but I have enjoyed my visits to that country, and had no objection to returning. I just remained curious about the surprise.

When I reached the Pearl River Delta and the port at Macau, my claws were weary and ready to once again feel the Earth I was going to go in search of some good roots to dig up, but before I could commence I heard Kentrosaurus calling to me. I was surprised and delighted that he was here; I had expected him to take longer to arrive.

"Cousin Stegosaurus !!" He said, "The Lord be praised for granting you safe arrival in Tibet !!"

Yes, it definitely was Cousin Kentrosaurus, and there was Wuerhosaurus with him !!

"Hail, Cousins Kentrosaurus and Wuerhosaurus !! Delighted to see you both!" said Stegosaurus.

"I am sure you are hungry," said Wuerhosaurus.

"Indeed I am, and I was just thinking of digging up some roots to eat, I also need to sharpen my claws a little bit." Stegosaurus rejoined.

"We need not dig here," said Wuerhosaurus. "Recall that in this area grows Nelumbo nucifera, the official flower of the city of Macau, but I have stored some roots in my cave that I would gladly share with you, or we can dig for roots in another place where the Nelumbo nucifera does not grow."

"Very well, cousin," said Stegosaurus. "I meant no disrespect. Now can you tell me what the surprise is? Why is it so important that we be here right now?"

"It is regrettable that our cousin Lexovissaurus and his wife Loricatosaurus cannot be here with us. I am sure there will be another time that they can come. But, I am so delighted that you both are here and have taken the arduous journey to my beloved Land. Come with me back to my cave in Tibet. You will discover there what my reason is for asking you to visit. "

Kentrosaurus and I looked at each other and sighed. If we waited this long, we can wait a little longer !!

When we got to Wuerhosaurus' cave in Xinjiang, he dug up roots for Stegosaurus to eat, for which Stegosaurus thanked him profusely; he gave some to Kentrosaurus as well, who was also thankful. So much so, that with permission he gave grace, which his cousins tolerated and participated in politely. Then Wuerhosaurus presented bowls of rice and the popular dish Buddah's Delight, with the Ginkgo nuts were not used as before and replaced with Chinese celery.

"Won't you tell us what the surprise is?" asked Stegosaurus.

"All will be revealed when we get to my home cave in Tibet, cousin Stegosaurus," assured Wuerhosaurus. "I am teaching you patience. All will be revealed, and be worth the wait. I am now planning to meditate for some time, before we proceed to Tibet. Should you like to join me, there is room for all of us just outside my cave."

Kentrosaurus was skeptical of the necessity of this, being sure that it wasn't Christian; then he recalled the times that Woolly Mammoth went into the Church prayer garden to pray; or the time that Mammoth stomped all the way to Zion in Egypt and he agreed to participate. Stegosaurus was glad; he did not wish to see Wuerhosaurus offended.

In due time, in total of several hours, Wuerhosaurus ended his meditation, by announcing: "The time has come. Let us go to Tibet at once."

Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus got up and followed. They both remembered the mountain terrain from their first visit in 2016; it was strenuous, but the dinosaurs were in good health. It was certainly an area that Wuerhosaurus knew well and had traveled often. Then, he abruptly commented to his cousins,

"Actually, I rarely leave my cave. I am usually content to stay there and meditate upon my existence; everything I could want or need can be found within. This is only the second time I have left it since your last visit; the other time was when Loricatosaurus came here looking for herself."

"Such calm demeanor reminds me of how I feel while I eat the Prayer Garden at the Church," observed Kentrosaurus.

"When you find peace within, only then, can you give it to others. You cannot give what you do not have yourself. Such a gift, given honestly, will be replenished and never extinguished," said Wuerhosaurus.

"Don't you agree, cousin Stegosaurus?" Wuerhosaurus asked.

"Oh, yes, yes I do," replied Stegosaurus. For his part, Stegosaurus often chose to remain silent on the matter of religious faith; rather than express it outwardly and impose, he chose to let the example he set speak for him. In his conduct with others, in his calm demeanor, unwillingness to use his cool, spiky tail except in circumstances where it was used to protect his life or the lives of his friends. He let each find their path on their own, but always hoped they'd follow, for he was certain of his own salvation, and knew the best way to help his friends and loved ones was to set an example consistent with his ideal, which when it was all said and done, was not far off the mark of his cousins'.

Finally the Stegosaurids arrived at Wuerhosaurus' Tibetan cave, and Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus both were genuinely surprised to see 5 Stegosaurids they had never met before grazing just outside Wuerhosaurus' cave.

"I told you I had a surprise," said Wuerhosaurus. "Stegosaurus, Kentrosaurus, please welcome your Chinese cousins, Tuojiangosaurus, Huayangosaurus, Chungkingosaurus, Miragaia, and the newly discovered Bashanosaurus. He's our elder Statesman."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Stegosaurus, Kentrosaurus," said Bashanosuarus. As Wuerhosaurus has told you I am indeed your oldest cousin. I lived here in China 168 million years ago 168 to 174 million years ago."

"That makes you 28 million years old or a little more than Stegosaurus and myself," said Kentrosaurus.

"Yes, indeed it does. I was discovered in the Shaximiao Formation in the Chongqing municipality of China in the year 2016, and I have some distinctive features that differentiate me from other members of the Stegosaur family. For example, as I'm sure you've noticed already, I was blessed with longer tail vertebrae and narrower shoulder blades that flared out. In addition, the base of my spiff, sexy plates flare outwards as well. I measure in at a respectable 9 feet, and I like to eat the same kind of verdure that you and your cousins do. My plates are not large, nor do they extend all the way across my back, In that respect I am like you, cousin Kentrosaurus."

"Interesting," said Stegosaurus. "Prior to your discovery, my oldest cousin was Lexovissaurus, discovered in France in 1954, who had his fossil remains reassigned to Loricatosaurus in 2008. They are a lovely couple, you'd like them. It was once believed that Loricatosaurus had shoulder spines as you do, and she attended a class on their proper usage in finishing school, but as it turns out, the scientists tell us the spikes belonged on her tail. She is really very intelligent, and has a paleontology degree from Oxford, England."

"I am impressed, and hope to make the acquaintance of Loricatosaurus and her husband soon," said Bashanosaurus.

"I must know," said Kentrosaurus, "If I may ask, do you know Jesus?"

"I know of Jesus, yes, a fine teacher. But, I am not a Christian. Like Wuerhosaurus, here, and your Chinese cousins Chungkingosaurus, Tuojiangosaurus, and Huayangosaurus, I am Buddhist. I understand that you mean well, my dear cousin, and hope there will be time in the future for us to discuss matters of religion."

"I am pleased to meet you," said Kentrosaurus contented for the time being with the response.

Then, Miragaia spoke up. "I was discovered in Portugal in 2009, named after the parish where I was found: Miragaia. I am roughly 150 million years old and I weigh about 2 tons, and I'm 18 to 20 feet long!"

"Pleased to meet you, Miragaia; I recall when the mammal news initially reported your discovery as a Stegosaurus stenops, like myself,"said Stegosaurus.

" ..... Yes, and you had a branch of your School of Dance placed in Portugal that year which I really appreciate. As it turns out I like dancing too!" said Miragaia.

"Delightful!" said Stegosaurus. "We'll have to spend some time dancing during this visit!"

"I would like that, said Miragaia. "I will also speak more about my characteristics, of which I am proud. I have been discovered to have the longest neck of any previously known Stegosaurid; I have seventeen vertebrae which is even more than your average sauropod."

"I am impressed," admitted Stegosaurus I only have twelve or thirteen. I must say though that I do like my neck the way it is. I don't mean to complain."

"You should be proud of who you are, I don't mean to demean anyone I am just describing myself by what mammals know about me," said Miragaia.

"I must know," said Kentrosaurus again, "Do you know Jesus?"

"Yes, friend Kentrosaurus," said Miragaia. "I am Catholic."

"Woolly Mammoth's Church in South Africa where I am groundskeeper is not Catholic, but it is Pentecostal; despite the differences I invite you to visit us at any time you please."

"Thank you," said Miragaia.

Then spoke up Chungkingosaurus. "I am the smallest known Stegosaurid, but I am not intimidated by that fact. I was discovered in the Shaximiao Formation in China in 1977 and classified by 1983. I was only partially discovered, but it is assumed that I have double rows of plates and spikes along my back like our African cousin Kentrosaurus. In 2010 it was suggested that I am a juvenile to our cousin Tuojiangosaurus; and this is possible. He and I were discovered in the same formation, but the mammals have still not reached a conclusion on this matter so at present, I am my own, short, and mighty determined species."

"Pleased to meet you," said Stegosaurus; I like determination and I am sure we will be great friends."

"Thank you Stegosaurus, I am also glad to make your acquaintance. And to you the same, Kentrosaurus. I look forward to grazing together soon. Do you enjoy bird watching?"

"Yes, by coincidence, I do!" exclaimed Stegosaurus.

"And do you enjoy maintaining your garden?"

"It is one of my favorite hobbies !!" exclaimed Kentrosaurus.

"Well then, I can see we have much in common! declared Chungkingosaurus.

Then, Huayangosaurus spoke up, saying, "Like Chungkingosaurus I am relatively small; a whole foot smaller indeed but we were discovered in the same province, and I was discovered around 1980, and classified in 1982. I am roughly 20 million years older than you, Stegosaurus. My name is derived from an older name used for China's Sichuan province. I will note that the mammals generally will place me in my own taxon; but I have no formal definition, and I am its only member. But, I do have some distinctive features that later Stegosaurids do not have. My skull in much broader, and look at my smile ! I have teeth in the front of my mouth, whereas later Stegosaurids did not. Later species have rows of teeth beginning in the back of their mouths. I have smaller plates than Stegosaurus does, which for the scientific mammals throws some doubt onto the idea of the spiff, sexy plates' thermoregulatory function. I will say that I also have really spiff shoulder spikes like Kentrosaurus, which helps me in defense if any meat eaters try to eat me".

"Do not let being small deter either of you, Huayangosaurus, Chungkingosaurus." said Kentrosaurus gently. "The Lord Jesus loves all his creations equally".

The two Buddhist dinosaurs accepted Kentrosaurus' words kindly, as they knew he meant well.

"Peace be upon you, dear cousin," they told him.

"Thank you," Kentrosaurus rejoined.

And, at last, Tuojiangosaurus spoke. "I am the most like Stegosaurus stenops here; but I yet have my own distinctive features. I was discovered in 1974, during the building of Wujiaba dam in Zigong, Sichuan; I was properly classified in 1977, 100 years since our cousin Stegosaurus was himself classified. My given name is derived from the nearby river Tuo, and includes the latin multus spina, which means in English, "many spine" At the time of 1977, I was the most complete Stegosaurid fossil found in China. Whereas Stegosaurus has 64 teeth, I have 25. My spiff, sexy plates are in double rows, but they are not wide, instead being triangular in shape towards my lower back and on my tail; but on my neck and upper back they are pear shaped. I am over 6 feet tall and weigh about 2.8 tons and I am roughly 20 million years older than cousin Stegosaurus. As you can guess by my name and where I was discovered, I really enjoy being near bodies of water. I like to hang out with the sauropods a lot. I am particularly fond of our cousin Chungkingosaurus, since the scientists say we might be directly related ... He might be my young. So I look out for my smaller cousin especially.

"We are all so pleased to make the acquaintance of you all," said Wuerhosaurus, who through most of the introductions had remained silent. "I felt it was at last important to all of us that there be a family reunion here and that it should last for several pleasant weeks. We can discuss much and graze often. I have asked that the mammal who discovered me, and at least two of you who are partially discovered, Dong Zhiming visit with us, and he has agreed to spend some time with us, though it will take him some time to arrive yet".

"Before we head to the meadow for dinner I would like Bashanosaurus to deliver some important news to us all regarding the entire species of Stegosaurus."

"Thank you, Wuerhosaurus," said Bashanosaurus.

"As I noted in my own introduction to you all, I am as science tells us, the oldest known of the Stegosaurus family, being 174 million years old. And being that there are now so many of us from China, even if some of us in time turn out to the juvenile fossils of other species of Stegosaurus, that the science mammals tell us that odds are very likely that the very genesis of the Stegosaurus species was not in Colorado, USA, not in South Africa, not the Lexovii, at the mouth of the Seine river, but instead right here in the country of China."

"This is indeed great cause for celebration!" exclaimed Stegosaurus. "Let us go at once, as a herd to graze together in celebration of this discovery. Though I am very fond of Morrison and Boulder, Colorado, USA, I am glad to embrace the theory proposed here this day and gladly take my place in the long, rich history of the country of China. It is a delight to see you and meet you all!"

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Salut, mon nom est Loricatosaurus !!!

"Mon mari Lexovissaurus et moi avons profité de nos vacances depuis mes voyages presque constants pour me retrouver. Nous avons en fait réfléchi sérieusement à l'endroit où nous devrions aller. Cela a nécessité une certaine réflexion, qui, après un certain temps, mon mari s'est gracieusement reporté à mon jugement. Il a complété mon intelligence universitaire et a dit que si j'avais l'amabilité de passer du temps chez nous dans notre pays natal de France à sa demande, le moins qu'il puisse faire était de me laisser choisir où aller.

"J'aime toute la France et je serai heureux d'aller dans n'importe quel endroit ici que vous voudriez, mon cher." c'est ce qu'il m'a dit. Alors, j'ai pensé et j'ai décidé de visiter la ville côtière de Marseille.

"Tu as bien choisi, j'adore Marseille, c'est une ville très ancienne, riche en histoire. La troisième plus grande après Paris et Lyon. Beaucoup de mammifères y vivent, mais il y a aussi beaucoup à faire pour un dinosaure".

"Oh oui, mon cher," dis-je, "Par exemple, je voulais te faire une surprise, mais j'ai des billets pour l'Opéra. Un bon Opéra français."

"Oh !!" s'écria Lexovissaurus. "Lequel ??"

"La muette de Portici", répondis-je... "Daniel Auber, 1828."

"Comme c'est beau", a déclaré Lexovissaurus. "Merci beaucoup !! Nous allons passer un moment merveilleux !! Il y a tellement de choses que nous pouvons faire ! Même se vautrer dans la mer Méditerranée serait adorable."

"L'Opéra est situé à l'extrémité du Vieux-Port de Marseille, qui a été référencé dans la littérature et utilisé comme lieu de tournage de films. Ils ont aussi des musées, des théâtres et d'autres attractions culturelles. Nous pourrions aller dans un musée, et je pourrais me retrouver sans même chercher...... Il n'y a que Paris qui a plus de musées que Marseille..."

"On pourrait piétiner la Sainte-Baume et tailler les feuillus là-bas. Je suis sûr qu'il y aura plein d'Ocimum basilicum, ou Basilic de Marseille. Pensez à tous les délicieux oliviers !! Une industrie ici depuis 2 ans, 500 ans !! ( il n'y a pas si longtemps, vraiment ), le magnifique pin parasol, les pins d'Alep le long de la côte, le chêne vert broussailleux également dans les zones côtières, et le chêne-liège. Nous pourrions y croiser beaucoup de mammifères car la grotte de la Madeleine à proximité est un lieu de pèlerinage religieux pour eux, mais si nous faisons attention, ils ne se mettront pas sous les pieds. Nous devons être très prudents, environ 69 % de la population est catholique romaine et il y a un potentiel pour une grande foule là-bas. L'immigration de la population est élevée et la population est également assez diversifiée. Beaucoup de Grecs et d'Italiens en particulier. Je suis sûr que même si nous sommes des dinosaures, nous ne serons pas suspects et nous ne fondrons pas dans la masse. La température moyenne à cette période de l'année est de 103 degrés, et si nous restons en juillet la moyenne est jusqu'à ab sur 106."

"Parfait !", a déclaré Lexovissaurus. "Comme on peut s'y attendre sur la mer Méditerranée. Personne ne s'attend à rien. "Imaginez ceci : nous pouvons nous fondre parfaitement avec les mammifères. "Salut, je suis comme vous, je suis un mammifère, je m'appelle Bob."

J'ai ri de la blague de mon mari lui rappelant à nouveau la nationalité des immigrés et j'ai dit: "Je m'appelle Lexovissaurus Papathanassíou !! Je m'appelle Lexovissaurus Alessandrini !!!"

Nous avons tous les deux ri ensemble à l'idée que nous pourrions éventuellement passer pour des mammifères de n'importe quelle nationalité. Les mammifères vivent ici depuis que les Grecs de l'Antiquité ont fondé la ville en 600 avant JC sous le nom de Massalia; les Romains l'appelaient Massilia C'est l'un des plus anciens établissements établis par des mammifères dans toute l'Europe.

"Ce serait un plaisir d'aller dans un café du Vieux-Port ou du Vieux-Port, et je te lirais volontiers des poèmes du Centre International de Poésie de Marseille", a déclaré mon mari, lorsqu'il a retrouvé son calme.

"J'aimerais vraiment ça," lui dis-je. "Je comprends qu'il y a un bon restaurant là-bas appelé The Pharo Gardens ; de beaux paysages comestibles et de belles vues sur la mer avec de nombreuses plages pour se promener. Ce sera un moment agréable. Allons-y !! Merci d'y avoir pensé, chère."

"Oh, tu sais", a dit mon mari alors que nous partions pour fouler la Sainte-Baume et commencer à mettre en œuvre nos projets de vacances, "Puisque nous sommes à Marseille, il est impératif que nous chantions".

Et, nous avons chanté :

Levez-vous, enfants de la Patrie,

Le jour de gloire est arrivé !

Contre nous, la tyrannie

La norme sanglante est élevée, (répété)

Entends-tu, à la campagne,

Le rugissement de ces féroces soldats ?

Ils viennent droit dans tes bras

Pour égorger vos fils, vos femmes !

Aux armes, citoyens,

Formez vos bataillons,

Mars, mars !

Laisse un sang impur

Arrosez nos sillons !

Que fait cette horde d'esclaves

Des traîtres et des rois conspirateurs veulent ?

Pour qui ont ces chaînes viles

Ces fers, préparés depuis longtemps ? (répété)

Français, pour nous, ah ! Quelle indignation

Quelle action furieuse cela doit susciter !

C'est nous qu'ils osent planifier

Un retour à l'ancien esclavage !

Quoi! Chortes étrangères !

Feraient la loi dans nos foyers !

Quoi ! Ces phalanges mercenaires

Abattre nos fiers guerriers ! (répété)

Bon dieu ! Par des mains enchaînées

Nos fronts céderaient sous le joug

De vils despotes deviendraient eux-mêmes

Les maîtres de nos destins !

Tremblez, tyrans et vous traîtres

La honte de tous les partis,

Trembler ! Vos stratagèmes parricides

Recevront enfin leur prix ! (Répété)

Tout le monde est un soldat pour vous combattre,

S'ils tombent, nos jeunes héros,

Sera produit à nouveau à partir du sol,

Prêt à se battre contre vous !

Français, en guerriers magnanimes,

Supportez ou retenez vos coups !

Épargnez ces désolées victimes,

Pour s'armer à regret contre nous (répété)

Mais ces despotes sanguinaires

Ces complices de Bouillé

Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitié,

Déchirez le sein de leur mère !

Amour sacré de la Patrie,

Menez, soutenez nos bras vengeurs

Liberté, la chère Liberté

Combattez avec vos défenseurs ! (répété)

Sous nos drapeaux que la victoire

Dépêchez-vous de vos accents virils

Pour que vos ennemis expirants

Vois ton triomphe et notre gloire !

Nous entrerons dans la carrière (militaire)

Quand nos anciens ne sont plus là

Là nous trouverons leur poussière

Et la trace de leurs vertus (répété)

Beaucoup moins désireux de les survivent

Que de partager leurs cercueils

Nous aurons la sublime fierté

Pour les venger ou les suivre !!

Friday, June 3, 2022

"I turned 140 Million and 16 on June 1st," said Stegosaurus. "Another birthday !!! I am going to keep having birthdays I think until meteors fall from the sky !! I have heard that there is something particularly sweet about the number 16, and I'm not sure what that is; next time I see a mammal I'll have to ask. I settled on yet another cake to celebrate my birthday. When I told my friend Congresssaurus Triceratops, he said to me,

"Friend Stegosaurus, I would be glad to come visit you upon the occasion of your birthday. I think of all the things I have accomplished, having the largest head of any land animal that has ever existed on earth; having 800 teeth; being among the first animals in creation to eat grass; surviving battles with Tyrannosaurus Rex; serving in Government over several millennia and in different places..... Of all things in all places I have had the occasion to stomp forthrightly, I am most proud of the friendships I have cultivated. Yours amongst them. In my retirement as I cultivate plants I deal with the public and cultivate more friendships, but it is the longest and oldest I value most."

"Thank you for such kind sentiment," said Stegosaurus. "What a nice thing to say. I'll have to think of something nice to say about you when it is your birthday."

"I see you have a cake here as you did last time I visited," said Congresssaurus Triceratops.

"Yes, as I have observed in the past, cakes are a mammal tradition on birthdays. Pies are far superior, but it is generally accepted that cakes are the birthday tradition. How goes your retirement?"

"We're just getting underway wtih the greenery", said Congressauurus Triceratops.

"Steve Beavers and I are still working on hybrid vegetables. No success yet, but we are determined to succeed. I am assured it will be more successful than extracting sunlight from cucumbers."

"No doubt," said Stegosaurus. "Stick with Steve, he's one smart mammal and he will figure it out."

After we had finished cake, we both went in search of aloe plants and lavender to eat for dessert. It was a very pleasant and relaxing birthday. I hope you have as nice a birthday when you are 140 Million and 16. I am truly blessed, and I encourage you all, with the wisdom of all my millions of years, to try always and keep a sunny and cheerful disposition. When problems arise, seek for a way to make them your stepping stone, and turn adversity to your advantage. With this mindset you can more readily see opportunity as it arises, and you will find that you will have much more success in life. Your success should be in the manner that you cultiviate and maintain your friendships, not just about acccumulating posessions. A large part of happiness comes from the gratitude you have for the things you already posess, not in the seeking of things for the sake of owning them. The more you give, the more you will have; and this is all that you can take with you through the end of your days.

"You are feeling very philiosophical," observed Congressaruus Triceratops.

"Being 140 Million and 16 can make a dinosaur very reflective," replied Stegosaurus. "Here, let me share some aloe plants with you."

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Stegosaurus 140 Million Year Challenge

140 Million Years Ago                         Today

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

"When I had returned to my cave in Colorado from Vermont, I was again glad to take my rest. As I rested with a calming meal of aloe plants, I began to dream about the day that I would evolve. Since my hips are already bird - shaped, I know I am likely to evolve into a bird at some point, ( though I am disappointed that I have not yet been discovered with feathers like some of my contemporaries and not contemporaries.) Sometimes it is frustrating, but it can also be pleasant to dream of the future," said Stegosaurus.

"Sometimes I think it would be nice to evolve into a Red Tailed Hawk. I would have a large range; throughout most of North America including Canada. I would thrive well in deserts, in grasslands such as prairies and / or meadows; as I am now I would be at home in forests ( I think living on the edge of deep, dark old forests is really an ideal situation), farmer's fields, and even the urban areas where the mammals live. I would not live too deep into the arctic areas, but that's okay; I don't do that now. The only problem with this situation is my diet. I would become a bird of prey eating mammals / rodents and sometimes chickens. After 140 million and 15 years I am well adjusted to eating plants. Roots and trees. I even have a degree in horticulture consumption, which would be useless if I started eating chickens".

"So I thought some more. What if I were to evolve into a hummingbird ?? I have watched them from time to time and they are always so bright and colourful; they look so cheerful as they busily zip about hither and yon extracting nectar from flowers. When I have visited the State of California I have seen a particular type of Hummingbird I'd like to evolve into called Anna's Hummingbird. Named after a mammal known as Anne Debelle, Princesse d'Essling. ( 1802 ~ 1887 ) . I would primarily live on the West Coast of the United States, in Southern California or Baja. The mammals have worked hard though to plant ornamental flowers that the Anna's Hummingbird likes and it has allowed their range to expand into Arizona, Nevada and Texas. If you look really hard you can find them in some of the Southern United States. Anna's Hummingbird has been found as far as British Columbia where I would be their "official bird" just as I am now Colorado's "official fossil"".

"Because of the presence of nectar feeders placed by mammals, the Anna's Hummingbirds have in some places even acclimated to colder temperatures. I also might develop a taste for the insects that annoy me so much now. I would have no scales for them to get under but instead beautiful plumage. the male species of the Anna's Hummingbird particularly is so very beautiful. Instead of dull green scales and yellow plates I'd have rainbow coloured feathers to show off as I merrily flew about drinking from flowers. I would be the only male species of Hummingbird to sing a courtship song, and as we all know I do like to sing already. Do you think Hummingbirds know how to sing Questa O Quello ?? There are so many birds to choose from though that I'd like to be I just can't make up my mind".

"I have often thought of evolving into the very common Band-tailed pigeon. I have noted that the Band Tailed Pigeon suits my temperament; I would have some range that would overlap with the Anna's Hummingbird into British Columbia, California and Arizona. I'd also reside in Washington, Utah, Oregon, New Mexico and right here in Colorado. So I wouldn't have to go far from where I am now. My range would also extend into Central America, Mexico and Argentina. I would live in forests among the oak trees and conifers. This is a place I'm already well at home. My diet would consist of acorns, seeds, berries and other small fruits. The Mammals have introduced the Band Tailed Pigeon to English Holly and English Ivy; a modern food I already consume. I would be the largest pigeon of North America but also relatively quiet for a bird. I wouldn't get to sing as much as if I were an Anna's Hummingbird. Rather than a cave, I would live in a nest made of twigs, and fly in flocks of about 50 birds. So I would be quiet but very social".

"But I don't know for sure what I'd like to evolve into I probably have a few million more years to decide. What do you think ?? Have you any suggestions for what I should evolve into?"

This post dedicated to the memory of Seth Williamson ( March 3rd, 1949 ~ October 6, 2011 )

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

"I passed the Holidays pleasantly at home in my cave," said Stegosaurus. "It was quite relaxing after all the recent traveling I had undertaken. In late January I was delighted to receive word that Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont desired to make my acquaintance. I immediately accepted the invitation, looking forward to the opportunity to discuss our shared Socialist ideals. I warned him it would be a while before I got to Vermont, since I'm a Stegosaurus and we're slow by nature. At best, we can only run 5 miles per hour on average. In mid February I arrived in the State Capitol of Vermont, known as Montpelier, Vermont. I stomped into the North Branch Nature Center, where I hoped to enjoy a nice meal of the local tree specialty before seeking an audience with Senator Sanders.

I started off with a nice meal of Tsuga canadensis, which I was recently familiar with since these trees also grow in the country of Canada. Then I found an Abies balsamea or two, followed by a small grove of Picea abies. Then I was delighted to find one of my favorites, the Acer negundo. After I had had my fill, I explored more of Vermont's capital city. Feeling tired after my meal I found Hubbard Park and slept by a tower in a place called Seven Fireplaces. When I had fully rested I stomped to the Vermont Statehouse to see if I could find Senator Sanders. The communication I had received told me that he'd be in the capitol visiting his constituents.

Of course when I am around, I am hard to miss. I wasn't sure who to ask about Senator Sanders' whereabouts, but as it turned out, he was the one who found me.

It being cold, I was glad to see him bundled up and wearing his mittens.

"I'm very glad to finally meet you, Mr. Sanders, " said Stegosaurus.

I have waited a long time to meet you too," said Bernie Sanders. "You have a mighty reputation that goes back millions of years, and you are loved by everyone, especially small children, everywhere for some reason."

"Yes, a large part of my fan base is made up of very small mammals," said Stegosaurus. "It has been that way for a long while now."

"Furthermore, I understand that in 2008 you ran for Congress on the Green Party ticket," said Bernie Sanders.

"Yes, I did," said Stegosaurus, sighing. "That did not end very well. Not everything is a success."

"Still, I hope we can spend some time together discussing our shared Socialist ideals," said Bernie Sanders.

"One thing I wanted to ask you," said Stegosaurus excitedly, ", do you know a mammal I much admire, Eugene Victor Debs?"

"Ah, no," laughed Bernie Sanders, and then he stopped himself. "I didn't mean to laugh, I'm sorry, Stegosaurus I did not know Mr. Debs, I'm not that old. But, I do admire his contributions to our cause, and share many of his ideals. "

"It's okay, Mr. Sanders, no offense taken. I really feel that Mr. Debs cares about the plight of working mammal and working dinosaur alike that is why every election cycle I stomp to the voting booth and vote for him. I heard that President Harding let him out of prison recently and I really feel that 2024 will be his year .... that is if we can keep that great threat to democracy from running for office again."

"Yes, I know who you mean," said Bernie Sanders. "Donald Trump."

"No, no, I mean that great, true, threat to democracy, Giant Meteor 2024. It was a narrow escape when Giant Meteor 2016 lost the last election," said Stegosaurus.

Bernie Sanders then changed the subject slightly. The elderly Senator and Stegosaurus stenops talked outside the Vermont statehouse about their admiration for Karl Marx, the Castro family of Cuba, Joseph Stalin, and other famous Socialists of America, such as Emma Goldman. They discussed and agreed heartily on methods to successfully bring about a centrally planned economy that worked for everyone. and Then Stegosaurus made a suggestion of going back to the North Branch Nature Center for lunch. Of course, Bernie knew he wasn't going to eat trees, but he liked Stegosaurus and wanted to continue the conversation with his new friend. So, he climbed up on his back and situated himself safely between Stegosaurus' spiff, sexy plates. Stegosaurus stomped forthrightly, and soon returned to the North Branch Nature Center.

Stegosaurus kept offering Bernie trees, but Bernie always declined politely. With Bernie on his back Stegosaurus happily ate Abies balsamea. Acer pensylvanicum, and Fagus grandifolia. Then Stegosaurus was feeling generous and helpful, so he ate some Rhus typhina to help the North Branch Nature Center clear out its weeds. Finally to top off his meal he ate an entire grove of Pinus nigra, which he was surprised to find in Vermont, which is why he eagerly consumed the entire grove. As is the case with the Pinus nigra, it caused Stegosaurus to expound upon sound economic principles.

He abruptly asked Bernie, "Senator Sanders, how would you counter, exactly, the theory of marginal utility? What metric would you use to gauge the satisfaction level of the consumer? What about a proper pricing structure? Every healthy economy needs a method for establishing a pricing structure."

"Well, Stegosaurus, that is silly. They should just be content as we decide what is best, and lower their expectations. We can't end greed until expectations are decreased. Mammals will learn. I've used the example before but there is no good reason why we need more than one shoe company in America. One company is adequate; diversity of choice leads to greed. What would make you think of such a thing all of a sudden ?? You sound like a capitalist."

Stegosaurus sighed. He didn't want to hurt the feelings of the Senator, but whenever he ate Pinus nigra he just couldn't help but become thoughtful about economic matters for some reason. It was too bad that Corythosaurus, his loyal accountant wasn't available to help him articulate something he suddenly knew was a flaw in the Socialist economic model. Why could he never remember this all the time? If only he had a larger brain .........

"I understand now how you lost your Congressional run," said Bernie. "You have a flaw in that your positions are not consistent."

"I blame my brain for being the size of a walnut. Maybe I am only fit for eating trees and digging for roots," admitted Stegosaurus. "This always happens when I eat the Pinus nigra, and today I have eaten an entire grove of them. I hope we can still be friends."

Bernie thought twice about admitting that he was annoyed... for he was worried that if news got out that he disagreed with Stegosaurus, many mammals who loved Stegosaurus would dislike him, and it would cause a scandal. So he said, "Of course we can still be friends, Stegosaurus. No hard feelings. I would advise you to eat less of the Pinus nigra; it would be good for the environment and the future politics of the Country. We can't have a Revolution succeed if people start thinking and questioning things."

Stegosaurus then returned Bernie Sanders to the Vermont Statehouse, and they parted on friendly and cordial terms. Stegosaurus returned to Colorado, having forgotten sensible economic laws by the time he was halfway home.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

On January 6th, after celebrating Christmas with the Iguanodon family Woolly Mammoth returned to the English port of Felixstowe where he hoped to encourage the multitudes to follow Christ. He had announced his sermon of course at his arrival on the 23rd of December, but upon moving the date up at the suggestion of Iguanodon, he had more time to promote it ahead of the date and therefore had a reasonable expectation of a much larger crowd than what he had for his Christmas sermon. He had been encouraging everyone to come throughout the holidays; to anyone who entered The Old North Woods; he knew Ignanodon would be there; Iguanodon had promised him he'd tell anyone he saw on the Crystal Palace dinosaur island to come. Spinosaurus had indeed agreed to stay behind when Stegosaurus Claus returned to Brazil; he spent some time in the Old North Wood, and some time at the Crystal Palace as he patiently awaited the sermon.

When the day arrived, Woolly Mammoth was pleased to see even more mammals than before; and he looked over the crowd eagerly seeking dinosaurs or megafauna among them. He saw who he expected to see, but most of the attendees were mammals. Ultimately, he was happy to see anyone arrive. He had firm faith that anyone who hears has the potential to be saved, and this was good enough for him.

So, he began his sermon on 1st Corinthians 15:58.

"Welcome, brothers and sisters, friends and family, mammal, megafauna and dinosaur alike. Here I bring you by the grace and mercy of God almighty, Some background for you on the origin of the sermon I preach today. 1st Corinthians on the whole is an epistle attributed to St. Paul of Tarsus, with some assistance from Sosthenes, circa 53 ~ 54 A.D. The epistle was addressed, as may seem obvious, to the Church in Corinth. It was written during the three year period that Saint Paul lived in Ephesus, and he was writing to address issues he had heard about taking place in that Church which concerned him deeply. It was meant to advise members of that Church how they should conduct themselves. It was not entirely a message of chastisement, for he also answered questions the Corinthians had asked of him, and clarified parts of Church law for them. Although canonically listed as the first, it is actually the 4th of such letters written to the Corinthians; evidence for this is revealed by St. Paul himself, referenced in Chapter 5 verse 9, while an additional letter and a third now lost, referenced in 2nd Corinthians, So we know of at least 4 throughout history. Yet today we focus on part of the canonical first. I encourage you to be strong in your faith, as St. Paul encouraged the Corinthians. Build upon the joy which we have experienced in the Christmas season and waver not upon the course that leads the way to Christ and life eternal.

As the verse reads, I tell you : "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." "Verily, be ye steadfast, stand ye like a rock, unmovable and certain in your faith, faith abounding, to attend with exuberance your work for the Lord Jesus Christ. For your labor is not in vain !! Indeed there is no time to become extinct when you work for the Lord. Praise your Master and give your all to work for the Kingdom. You will be rewarded in Heaven your good deeds speak to the aspirations of the heart. We have victory over extinction in our Lord Jesus Christ.

As Saint Paul tells us. Flesh and blood may not inherit the Kingdom of God. Nor fur, nor scale, nor claw. neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep but we shall be changed !!

You will be surprised if I tell you this, having experienced meteors and comets, but behold, I tell you the truth .... we shall be saved ... for hark !! Hear the trumpet !!! The Last Trumpet shall sound, and there will be no extinction ever more. When we are changed with grace we will ascend to the Lord, the grace we have earned in working for The Kingdom. You will not need to wait for the mammals to find you and dig you out of the earth; you shall not remain unlabeled in a box waiting to be named and reassembled. It will happen .... In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet !! The trumpet shall sound, and the extinct will be raised incorruptible. And we shall be changed.

In this state no longer shall we fear extinction, nor predator or any foe. There will be abundance in this heavenly land for all who seek the blessings of the Lord Jesus and work for The Kingdom. Verily, my brothers and sisters, I say onto thee ....... For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

We must shed this mortal life, without fear of loss, our life here is only a pale mirror of what awaits the faithful. So again I say it as Saint Paul wrote to those of Corinth be steadfast and unmoveable. And this way, I guarantee you, we will defeat extinction with the grace of the Lord. When we embrace that gift, the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ, never will we have to fear extinction. Not by predator, not by tar pit, not by meteor or comet. We shall be victorious warriors of Christ !! So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. Can you imagine this ? It is not impossible, I tell you. I tell you all we can live forever in the Light of Christ and never fear extinction again. For when we, the weak mortals embrace the Love of Jesus and put on incorruption, we shall be invincible ..... nothing can harm the warrior of God who believes in the Blood of Christ.

As is written, let it be spoken, that extinction is swallowed up in victory and the faithful shall be one with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We must find our way through the narrow path with all its brambles to the Love of each other. in kinship, in fellowship, we seek our way out of the darkness, knowing the full truth with all Glory to Jesus the Christ is ours for the asking. With humility and supplication we give Thanks to The Lord God for the sacrifice of his Son Jesus Christ. Let us go together, brothers and sisters, and we will be together in that eternal land of peace where death is unknown. I entreat you to follow me ... follow me, let us all stomp to Glory everlasting ! Amen !!"

And this, Woolly Mammoth's sermon ended, he looked about the crowd to see how large the crowd was, and he hoped many had remained til the end. He especially was hoping that the dinosaurs he saw in the crowd before his sermon began were still there. Again he saw Iguanodon and his family. Spinosaurus was still there, as Stegosaurus Claus had told him he would be. But he also saw a couple of dinosaurs that he had never seen before talking to Iguanodon and Spinosaurus, and he felt he must go immediately to them and introduce himself, pleased that he had helped to draw unknown souls to the Grace of God. Woolly Mammoth stomped right away to speak to the strangers.

"Hello, Iguanodon, and Spinosaurus !" He exclaimed as he approached

"Hello, Woolly Mammoth, you have given a fine sermon this morning. Thank you," said Iguanodon.

"Thank you, I hope you found it meaningful. I see Spinosaurus here; Thank you for remaining past your Christmas duties," said Woolly Mammoth to Spinosaurus.

"I am still on my good behavior Christmas rules," said Spinosaurus; "Stegosaurus Claus asked me to remain, for he told me it was important to you that I hear your sermon. All bets for good behavior are off once I return to my lake in South Africa. Just being honest. "

"God be with you," said Mammoth. "Now I see we have two new friends here among us, please introduce yourselves; I am pleased immensely that you have chosen to spend your Sunday morning listening to my sermon. I am on Crusade, and hope to bring the joy of Christ to the people of England."

One of the dinosaurs was a Hadrosaur; the other was from the Ankylosaur family. The Hadrosaur spoke up first. "I was just recently discovered in Japan; my name is Yamatosaurus. I am pleased to meet you. I was discovered in May, 2004 on Awaji Island, in the Kita-Ama Formation by a team of paleontologists, all but one native Japanese mammals. I just a little over 71 million years old. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, and want you to know I found your sermon to be quite moving and inspiring."

"I am very pleased, and hope you will come to hear more while you and I are here in England. What brings you to England from Japan?" asked Woolly Mammoth.

"I was just recently discovered, and after so many millions of years laying in the Earth unknown I decided it was a good time to take a tour of the World and see what was new."

"Congratulations on your discovery," said Woolly Mammoth. "And your friend, with you. My brother in Christ, are you also from Japan?"

"No, good Mammoth. I am named Stegouros. I was discovered in Patagonia, which is in Chile, about 3 years ago, in 2019. My name gives you the impression that I am somehow related to Stegosaurus, but as you can see, I am more closely a relative of Ankylosaurus. I lived about the same time as Yamatosaurus, 71 to 75 million years ago. I am not from Japan or England, but decided to see the World about the same time as Yamatosaurus for the same reasons. Curiosity and adventure. How exactly have things changed is a question I felt could not be answered remaining in my native land. I love my home, but I want to see the rest of the World after so many years. As recent discoveries, we decided to travel together and have arrived here in England just in time for your sermon. We have missed Stegosaurus Claus, which is unfortunate I would have liked to meet a Stegosaurus to discover our similarities. I gather that be both have dangerous looking, cool, spiky tails. But we were drawn in when we saw the Iguanodon family and Spinosaurus here."

"I am pleased to meet you both and am sure that you will meet Stegosaurus before too long. I pray you will come to more of my sermons in England, and you are both welcome to travel to South Africa and visit my Holy Pentecostal Church of the Pleistocene Revival. My groundskeeper Kentrosaurus is one of Stegosaurus' cousins. I am sure you will get along very well."

"I am pleased to keep my word and attend your sermon, Woolly Mammoth, " interjected Spinosaurus. "I must however now beg my leave as I must find something to eat that I haven't promised not to kill. It's my nature as a meat eater, and as you must know, a long trip from here back to South Africa. I would also like to take my leave before I am tempted to eat my new friends here."

"By all means, Spinosaurus, take your leave as you will. I appreciate your remaining for my sermon and also appreciate your honesty. Thank you for not eating any of us today. May the Grace of Lord Jesus be with you today and always. Have a safe journey back home, and I hope to see you there when my Crusade is over. "

"Thank you, Woolly Mammoth," said Spinosaurus, and he took his leave.

"I'd like to help him, but I am a plant eater and only know where the best plants to eat are," said Iguanodon.

"It is probably best to keep your distance until he can find and satiate his hunger. You don't want to be so helpful that you end up *being* dinner." observed Yamatosaurus.

Good point, my new Hadrosaur friend. Good point." agreed Iguanodon.

"Might I suggest we all go out to eat at the Old North Woods," suggested Mrs. Iguanodon. "We can also visit the Crystal Palace Island. My husband and I will be glad to show you the best of England, and we can have a good cup of Tea, as well, if you'd like."

"I agree this is a good plan," said Woolly Mammoth, smiling at the Iguanodon young, who had gathered at his feet.

"Let us go, and we shall get to know each other over a good meal," said Stegouros.

And with that, they all left the port of Felixstowe, Woolly Mammoth was finding it a bit odd that none of the Mammals spoke to him after gathering to hear him speak, but he was pleased to meet new Prehistoric friends, and spent a wonderful afternoon enjoying a meal and making their acquaintance. He could hardly wait to tell Kentrosaurus when he returned to the Church.

Write Stegosaurus an email ! Stegosaurusmail AT Gmail DOT COM