Monday, February 17, 2025

Feeling fully rested from my unexpected trip to Tibet, and after a very nice visit by my loyal accountant Corythosaurus, by February 2nd I decided to stomp forthrightly to Wyoming to visit with my old friend Congresssaurus Triceratops and also visit with his business associate, Steve Beaver. Having recently discovered my good fortune I had no financial concerns, but being humble and frugal I did not make any show of my wealth and traveled as I usually do, by stomping forthrightly everywhere I go. Fossil fuel is murder, you know.

Arriving in Wyoming I greeted Congresssaurus Triceratops outside his own cave.

“Hail, Triceratops! How nice to see you. It has been a while!”

“Glad to see you!” rejoined Triceratops.

“How have you been?” asked Stegosaurus.

“Retirement has been good to me. I care not to follow current events, but stomp about in peace eating ferns and cycads when I can find them. And that new invention grass. Grass sure has proliferated since I first came out of my shell. It is remarkable, and remarkably delicious.”

“We will have to go searching for some grass and enjoy it together. I agree it is a treat,” said Stegosaurus. “But first, do tell me, how is your greenery shop doing? I have not seen your associate our mammal friend Steve Beaver in some time. “

“Business is doing well, at the greenery,” said Triceratops. As for Steve, he's been growing cycads in the greenhouse for me; you know they can't grow in the present climate of Wyoming, so I have them grown in our greenhouse; Steve also plants a few cactus, the Saguro, and few lesser known varieties. Also, an avocado grove, and most amazingly some very interesting hybrid gourds in an attempt to create a new variety.

“Steve is a fascinating mammal,” said Stegosaurus. “He's so smart. Not every mammal is as smart as he is; I have always been amazed by all the adventures he has had."

“He happens to be here at the moment. I knew you were coming so I stomped forthrightly to my cave to greet you; but Steve is presently in charge of our greenery and if you'd like we can stomp forthrightly to the greenery and say hi to him.” said Triceratops. “I am sure grateful to him that he informed us about the true nature of cucumbers. I would have felt silly if I spent any more time thinking that sunlight could be extracted from cucumbers.”

“Me too,” said Congresssaurus Triceratops.

So Stegosaurus and Triceratops set off from Triceratops' cave for the greenery which Triceratops had opened in his retirement. It was only a very short stomp from his cave.

Shortly they arrived at the greenery which was a very large building with an attached greenhouse and a large Oak tree providing shade on the left side. Steve Beaver saw the dinosaurs coming, and met them at the door.

“Welcome back, Triceratops! What a nice surprise to see you, Stegosaurus!” he said.

“How has business been today, Steve?” asked Congresssaurus Triceratops.

“Excellent,” said Steve. “We're in the black today and things look good for the future. A lot of people, er, mammals, are interested in buying plants today. This time of year it seems the indoor plants are selling well. We're making a killing on succulents.”

“I will order some more,” said Congresssaurus Triceratops, and look at my personal stock and see if we can sell some; I'd rather do that than eat them.”

“How is the avocado tree grove doing?” asked Stegosaurus.

“Very well, Stegosaurus. Thank you for asking. As you remember, they are very popular with our friends the Ground Sloths, and avocado trees are indeed my specialty though I seem to have a talent for growing most anything.”

“I see from the greenhouse windows that your cactus is growing well. You really have an exceptional green thumb,” said Stegosaurus. “Tell me, what kind of hybrid gourds are you attempting to bring into existence today?”

“Thank you, Stegosaurus. I appreciate the compliment,” said Steve. “I have in my garden laboratory three different kinds of unusual plants which have not yet been widely seen by mammal or dinosaur. I am not sure if they'll end up taking off as I'd like, but I am determined to try, you know. I want to create a new kind of gourd, if not multiple kinds of new gourds and put my name on the map and earn a plant patent or two. I am presently crossbreeding Speckled Swan gourds with Acorn Squash.”

“How is that working out?” asked Stegosaurus. “Are they delicious?”

“They aren't ready for eating yet, but once they are I will invite you over to try them,” said Steve.

“Why don't we take a tour of the greenhouse? You can see all the plants we're grown there.”

“I would like to, let's go,” said Stegosaurus.

“I shall remain behind and watch after the greenery,” said Congresssaruus Triceratops as Steve and Stegosaurus set off, though they did not have far to go.

The greenhouse of course, was very large. It contained a lot of plants, and also had to be large enough to fit Congresssaurus Triceratops in it; because of the climate in the greenhouse, things that could not grow outside in the climate of Wyoming were thriving in the greenhouse.

“Look at our Saguaro cactus!” exclaimed Steve. “I have family in Arizona and I really appreciate cactus. They need to live in a greenhouse here in Wyoming, you know, but with the proper care they can thrive.”

“I am impressed,” said Stegosaurus. “And there is your specialty, a grove of avocado trees. Widow Ground Sloth and her son Junior really appreciate the fact that you replanted their avocado grove in South Africa.”

“I am delighted to hear it and glad I could be of assistance,” said Steve.

“Most of these, except my gourd experiments, are for sale in our greenery,” said Steve. “Let me show you what else we have here.”

“Here's the collection of succulents that Triceratops and I were talking about earlier,” said Steve, pointing out a very large collection of small potted plants on a top shelf under grow lights. “They're selling very well right now. Over there in the corner to the right is a grove of your old favorite standby, the cycad. I know you will appreciate that.”

“I do,” said Stegosaurus. “Aside from that, I also see a beautiful field of flowers in the back getting closer the more we stomp! This was worth the trip to Wyoming! I love the new invention of flowers, even though they attract insects that don't like me and get in my eyes and under my scales. How many flowers are there?”

“Several hundred.” said Steve. “I've planted a respectable looking field.”

“Here we have in the back of the building, where natural sunlight comes in from skylights, and these large casement windows that shine sunlight down on a field of sunflowers.”

“Oh! Triceratops and I would have a nice meal of those delicious flowers!” exclaimed Stegosaurus.

“Please wait until I show you the cactus and the poinsettia plants that I have been growing.” said Steve.

“Will you show me your experiment gourds?” asked Stegosaurus.

“To be honest, Stegosaurus. I know you and your appetite. I am concerned you will eat my gourds before they are finished growing. I apologize.” replied Steve, with patient and kind sincerity.

“I respect your honesty,” said Stegosaurus. “You know me too well.”

The tour continued, as Steve described row after row of every plant, every cactus, every flower, every blade of grass. This made Stegosaurus very hungry, but he was also patient and waited until he could get outside of the greenhouse and speak with Triceratops. Stegosaurus knew that Triceratops possessed more restraint and he could eat the sunflowers with him if he were there to remind him not to eat everything just because he saw it before him. He also respected Steve Beaver and didn't want to hog all of Steve's hard work for himself.

Stegosaurus had never seen such a large greenhouse so well stocked before in all of his 140 Million and 18 years, it was the best dining establishment he had ever seen! He would eat well tonight, and he was so proud of Steve and Congresssaurus Triceratops for not giving up and making the effort to reach for and achieve their dreams. They deserved all the success in the world.'pes-gourds

Monday, January 27, 2025

Stegosaurus returned from Tibet on January 8th, very tired from all of his recent travels. He welcomed the return to his cave in Boulder, Colorado, his favorite place to rest his weary claws. He didn't even eat anything as soon as he got home ( except of course, his raft ), he simply returned to his cave and slept.

At one point, he woke up, went outside to his yard, and fell asleep again in the sun. It was in this way that his loyal accountant Corythosaurus discovered him, on the morning of January 18th. Stegosaurus was at first startled, since he'd forgotten that January 18th was the day they had set aside for Corythosaurus to discuss the results of his 2024 tax filing.

“Good morning, Stegosaurus,” said Corythosaurus. “I hope I didn't wake you. I have some important news to tell you. It is good news, too ! I'm pretty sure you won't believe me, but it is all quite true!”

“Greetings, friend Corythosaurus!” said Stegosaurus. “Always nice to see you, but please don't keep me in suspense! Tell me, what makes this year so much more exciting than any other year?”

“This year, the year 2025 is your year, Stegosaurus !!” insisted Corythosaurus.

“I have filed your 2024 tax return, and after crunching all the numbers I've discovered that you, beloved by children, studied by mammal scientists, celebrated in film and comic book, both serious and comical, you, you narrow faced roof lizard, Mr. Stegosaurus, you are a millionaire worth 44.6 MILLION dollars !!”

“What ?!?” Stegosaurus exclaimed incredulously. “How did that happen?!?”

“I am not entirely sure, my first immediate thought is it is a result of you being so humble and frugal, but then I thought some more for something told me that there was more to the story, more than meets the eye.”

“Tell me, don't be so dramatic. Has there been an inheritance? A long lost relative perhaps? I haven't read the news, I've just returned from visiting cousin Wuerhosaurus in Tibet and I am totally out of the loop. How in the world could I possibly be a millionaire ?”

“I have discovered that you have an inheritance, Stegosaurus. One we didn't know about until now. It seems that your mother made an early investment into broadleaf trees, just about the time you had come out of your shell, and the success of broadleaf trees over the last 140 Million years or so, since the early Cretaceous period has put you into another tax bracket. “ explained Corythosaurus.

“Well, isn't that something! I had no idea my mother was so concerned about my future.

Her prescience as an investor is impressive. We dinosaurs, you know, we aren't so good usually at thinking ahead. I know a lot about my father, Professor O.C. Marsh, but I don't know too much about my mother. All I can remember is that she found me one day while she was eating a cabbage patch.

I guess this means that I should be hanging around with rich people like Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. I don't know, do you think Bill Gates would let me eat trees? He seems overly concerned about the environment. I also know that Elon Musk has made a lot of money making the mammals' transportation devices electric, and as we well know I am a fan of alternative fuel sources, but I am not sure given recent news that he and I would see eye to eye on a very many key principles. He does not strike me, suddenly as a supporter of my favorite candidate Eugene Victor Debs.

Maybe Warren Buffett would be more my style. We have in common the fact, for example, that we're both very old. I like finding common ground. I am not sure how old he is, but he looks like he is 140 million years old”.

“Maybe I'll buy an island, or a country, such as Greenland, or Canada. It would be great to establish the funding for a meteor detection system in this country to prevent the destructive extinction we experienced in the past.” said Stegosaurus.

“I advise you not to let your newfound riches go to your head”, said an amused Corythosaurus. “Remain the humble, altruistic, kind and gentle Stegosaurus we all know and love.”

“You're right, Corythosaurus. I appreciate your advice. There is much wisdom in what you say.”

“Let us go eat some broadleaf trees now, and we'll discuss ways in which I can use my wealth to help others as well as myself. I can think of a few honorable charities to which I'd like to donate my money and my time. There are so many causes I feel so passionately about.”

“I also advise you to be frugal and careful about how, when, and to whom you are charitable. Don't let anyone, mammal, dinosaur, or megafauna take advantage of your generosity.”

“Again, good advice, Corythosaurus. Thank you. I find it hard to think in the long term sometimes, with a brain the size of a walnut. Thank you for keeping my head out of the clouds.”

“This is my job, not just as your loyal accountant, but as a friend.” said Corythosaurus. “Now shall we go and dine?”

“Yes, indeed, let us go. I think there's a grove or two of Maples and Oaks just over the next hill.” said Corythosaurus.

The two friends then set off over the hills and enjoyed a delicious meal of Maples, Oaks, and homemade bread with Diet Coke.

Everyone in the forest lived happily ever after.

Write Stegosaurus an email ! Stegosaurusmail AT Gmail DOT COM