Tuesday, December 26, 2017

J'ai invité mon cousin Lexovissaurus et son épouse Loricatosaurus chez-moi, dans ma cavernepour célébrer Noël. Après tous les voyages que j'ai fait récemment, c'était agréable de me détendre et de reposer mes griffes.
"Je suis heureux de vous revoir, pour fêter Noël ensemble !" a répondu Stegosaurus.
" C'est àgréable de revisiter l'Amérique et de prendre un repos de toutes les fouilles que j'ai fait depuis ma graduation," a répondu Loricatosaurus.
"Est-ce que tu t'as retrouvé?"
"Non, mais je suis déterminé! Je ne vais pas abandonner ! Je dois être quelquepart alentour d'ici."

"Et toi, mon cousin?"

" Je supporte ce que ma belle épouse veut faire; je vois que le processus de la découverte la rend heureuse. Moi personellement, je suis heureux de savoir que je suis Français." a répondu Loricatosaurus.
" Ce pays à une relation amicale et chaleureuse avec le pays de France." a observé Stegosaurus.
"Ce pays a une cuisine convenable; largement à cause de la nouriture amenée ici de la France," a répondu Lexovissaurus.
"Où allons-nous manger" a demandé Loricatosaurus.
" J'ai de supers plans pour cette célébration! Venez piétiner avec moi!"
Mon cousin et son épouse m'on suivis de ma caverne aux montaines de Colorado; nous avons mangé du Prunus virginiana que j'ai trouvé avant ma visite au Texas et que je gardait pour cette célébration. Delà nous sommes allés dans un petit bois de mature Populus angustifolia.

Bientôt, Loricatosaurus ne pouvait pas résister de se retrouver et a commencé de creuser alentour d'une place de Quercas gambelii; Lexovissaurus et moi avons vu ce que son épouse voulait faire et nous l'avons aidé à enlever tous les arbres pour qu'elle est de la place pour creuser; nous avons mangé quelques arbres et après que nous avions mangé assez Lexovissaurus et moi sommes retournés a ma caverne pour prendre un petit repos; Loricatosaurus a continué a creusé.
Loricatosaurus avait creuvé un énorme trou, mais elle est retournée à la caverne plus tard dans l'après-midi et avec aucun succès dans sa recherche, mais elle était joyeuse; et nous avons tous décidé de faire une visite à la Maison de Retraite de Dinosaur où nous avons été bienvenue par un Dimetrodon et ses amis et nous sommes allés chanté des chansons de Noel alentour des domaines, en répendant de la joie et du bonheur de la Saison partout où nous avons piétiné.
Lorsque le matin de Noel arriva dans ma carverne, nous avons été supris par la visite de mon frère ; nous étions un peu nerveux. L'union fait la force, mais nous étions craintif.
Il nous a promit et nous a dit "Ce Noel ; je ne vous mangerez pas aujourd'hui. Demain tous est possible, mais aujourd'hui ce suis venu pour vous demander une faveur et vos invités." a répondu Allosaurus.
"Ce serait quoi?" demanda Stegosaurus.
"Te rappel-tu du Noel quand nous étions bénévole à la soupe populaire pour les pauvres à Utah?"

"Oui," à répondu Stegosaurus avec incertinude.
" Bon, je suis venu dans votre pays natif pour vous demander si vous serez assez charitable de me joindre à bénévoler à la soupe populaire se matin de Noel dans votre village de Boulder."

Après une longue pause, Allosaurus a continué de dire, " je m'excuse pour le court délai; j'y tensait hier soir quand je mangeait un snack de un ou deux Compsognathus à minuit ."

" Pas de problème; promet moi que mon cousin et son épouse et moi ne sommes pas sur le menu aujourd'hui¨ a répondu Stegosaurus.
"Nous sommes tous d'accord avec Stegosaurus, mon épouse et moi," a répondu Lexovissaurus.
"Parfaitement!" triomphe Allosaurus. "Allons-nous préparer."
" Et le menu est?" a demandé Loricatosaurus. "J'espère que c'est un menu végétairien?"

"A contrecoeur, dans l'Spirit de la Saison, je vais reconnêtre ce point."

"Et nous sommes partis dans les montaines une autre fois, collectant du Pseudotsuga menziesii savant qu'il est très populaire durant ce temps de l'année et nous avons ramassé beaucoup. Le Pinus aristata était sur la liste et du Picea pungens, ils sont très populaire ici, d'autres petites variétés sont utilisés pour des ardres de Noel; et finalement nous avons collecté des Populus deltoides, et du Pinus ponderosa. J'ai regrété que nous avions mangé tous les délicieux Prunus virginiana à cause de l'environment, ils ont disparu. J'ai appris beaucoup durant mes classes au collège. Celà prend du temps pour mon cerveau de ce rappeller de tous celà à cause de sa grosseur."

"Je demande a mes camarades de classe, plusieurs qui étaient nerveux alentour d'Allosaurus; mais nous avons travaillé ensemble et avons collectionné les ardres pour la soupe de la soupe populaire. Loricatosaurus a fait les soupes, pour avoir de la soupe disponible pour notre soupe populaire; donc nous avons de la Soupe aux Légumes et Chou frisé; et Soupes de Santé d'Hiver et Soupe aux Lentiiles et Légumes."
"Nous avons bénévolé jusque à la minuit la nuit de Noel; nous avons nourri beaucoup de gens de Boulder, Colorado, et nous avons retourné à ma caverne avec des coeurs replis de bonheur. Mon frère Allosaurus a une allure épeurante , et vous devez savoir qu'il mange de la viande, mais il a un grand coeur et il est très généreux. Si vous faites attention à propos qu'il mange de la viande, il peut être une gentil dinosour ,il ne peut pas changer la manière qu'il est fait .
"De ma famille à votre famille, je vous souhaite une Joyeuse Saison! Quoique vous célébrez que que ceci vous apporte de la joie, de l'espoir, de l'amour, et de la paix pour partager avec le monde entier"

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Meanwhile in Brazil, one week before Christmas, Stegosaurus Claus checked last years' Naughty and Nice list against 2017's Akashic records, just in case any updates or changes needed to be made.

"He knows when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake ..."

Sunday, November 26, 2017

When the Stegosaurus Disaster Relief Agency had secured safety for the distressed mammals in Texas, USA I took the Moa Birds up on their invitation and floated forthrightly on my raft to New Zealand where I spent the Thanksgiving holidays.

We spent much of our relaxing time on South Island, though we also spent some time grazing on Stewart Island as well. As their guest, I let them choose the place to graze. In my time there, it rained very much, but that isn't unusual in New Zealand; I like it because it makes the verdure grow. 80% of the flora is native. I love the mosses and lichen in New Zealand; it does not taste as good anywhere else.

Every now and again I stood on my hind legs to reach a branch or two from the abundant Fagaceae or Agathis australis trees. But for the most part, I was content with my low hanging vegetation as I remembered my vet's advice regarding large tree consumption. It was such a relaxing time, particularly after all our hard work in Texas.

And then, just when we were content along came a Haast's Eagle, I presume looking for dinner. I alerted my Moa friends to run and hide as quickly as they could; they fled for the safe cover of the deep forests but this left me alone on the plains, and suddenly the primary target of the Haast's Eagle, a determined and vicious hunter. It was a female, which was the largest of the species.

"Hello, dinner! Not only am I hungry, but I also have young to feed!" said the Haast's Eagle.

She latched one claw into one of my spiff, sexy plates, and the other into my right upper side. She was surprised, as she is used to dining on Moas which weigh much less than I do, and she could not carry me off.

"I know you've got to eat, but you're just going to have to find something else!" Stegosaurus said.

"Oh, please." said the Haast's Eagle.

"Don't make me whack you. Please let go!"

"No, you are mine!"

"All right then! You are warned! I don't really want to do this, but you have forced me to react in defense!"

As the eagle attempted to lift me, I swung my cool, spiky tail around aimed at her left wing.

"Oh no you don't!" Stegosaurus exclaimed. The Haast's Eagle is a bird of prey so she was very quick. Thus Stegosaurus missed both her wing and her side. In her surprise though she let his plate go.

"Good luck with your hunting, but you cannot eat me or any of my friends!"

"Not today," she agreed. "I had not anticipated a Stegosaurus here; you are not my normal prey."

"Hunt elsewhere. I will not let you eat my friends!" Stegosaurus declared.

"Very well!" said she, and the Haast's Eagle flew away. When she was gone, the Moas came out from their hiding places.

"It is such good fortune for us that you came to visit friend Stegosaurus!" said Moa.

"The Haast's Eagles have lost the hunt today. We are all lucky to have survived this day. That was a little more bird watching than I had planned, but it is a risk we take in this wonderful land; I
still consider them beautiful birds but I won't let them eat you. You will be safe while I am here." said Stegosaurus.

"You are a true friend, we are thankful for your loyalty to us. Come let us return to relaxing grazing on the plains."

We saw Haast's Eagles in the distance, but ever after they did not bother us, and at the behest of the Moas I remained in New Zealand longer than I had originally planned. I returned home in mid
December, as I was expecting my cousin Lexovissaurus and his wife for the Christmas holiday. But, I love to visit New Zealand. It is my second home. The verdure is great and the hospitality of the
Moas is second to none. I highly recommend it, but I advise you to keep the Haast's Eagles at a distance! They're beautiful but dangerous!

Friday, October 13, 2017

"When we heard there had been hurricane damage in Texas due to hurricane Harvey, The Stegosaurus Disaster Relief Agency quickly stomped into action," said Stegosaurus. "Texas has always endured difficult times during hurricanes, but I never fail to be surprised at the resilience and independence of the mammals who live here. First we concentrated ourselves in Rockport, Texas, one of the most hard hit areas. We brought along our usual group of friends to help us, The Moa Birds, ( a small contingent of which also went up to Lake Jackson with a half dozen or so of my classmates, ) Rhedosaurus and his lovely wife Lady Rhedosaurus, and our good friend Western Black Rhino, who spent a lot of time with the Cajun Navy in Houston as well. He spent a lot of time with them at the last disaster. I think he's finally made his first post extinction friends. I'm so happy for him."

"Although I am certainly a Union dinosaur, I personally went to Brazoria County, to assist the Confederate Riders of America with the community of Cambodian refugees who live there. The mammals here were so resilient that they turned away FEMA; but they did not turn away the Stegosaurus Disaster Relief Agency! Don't think I am saying anything negative about our Federal friends.... we worked with them in other places where they are welcomed, I am simply reporting with amazement the facts of the situation. Sometimes mammals do crazy things that make me shake my head in wonder. In spite of their larger brains they can be so irrational. But at other times, in times of crisis even, they manage to pull through difficult times in the most amazing of ways."

Rhedosaurus and Lady Rhedosaurus were in Houston, building dams with a flock of Moa Birds who were rescuing stranded mammals. A few of my classmates were with them, and heard the following exchange:

"Dearest," said Rhedosaurus.

"Yes?" asked Lady Rhedosaurus.

"I haven't eaten a policeman in a while; do you think they'd miss it if I had just one?"

"You may not eat policemen."

"Not even a small one? They aren't high in calories. I promise."


"How about a FEMA agent?"

"You may not eat a FEMA agent. We definitely need those."

"How about a member of the Cajun Navy?"

"No, they are too busy saving mammals right now to be eaten."

"What about the Confederate Riders of America?"

"Not even the Confederate Riders of America."

"What is a hungry dinosaur to do? Sigh."

"Be patient, dear. I told you after we have rescued Houston we're going to stomp into Mexico and just over the border eat Mexicans."

"Oh okay. All right. But I'm only eating the Mild ones. Last time Hot Mexicans gave me indigestion."

"I heard rumors of a Wall. What if there is a Wall there?"

"No worries. New Mexico is our backup plan, and there isn't a Wall in New Mexico."

In Rockport, A flock of Moa Birds helped me rescue two entire families of mammals stranded in their homes.

"Good job," I told an Upland Moa who had mammals on his back and was taking them to higher, dry land.

"Thank you, Stegosaurus," said Moa Bird.

"Say, after we have rescued the mammals of Houston, why don't you stomp over to New Zealand and watch us for a while? We're too busy here for proper watching. We really won't mind the company."

"Thank you for inviting me," said Stegosaurus. "You are right. I have not been to New Zealand and relaxed in your country for some time now."

"We have an abundance of verdure to share," said Moa. "Bring your appetite as well. We'd be glad to see you."

And thus, our conversation ended, and I was left to anticipate a lovely vacation in New Zealand ... but there wasn't much time for reflection, we were in Houston. It will be a long time before things return to normal here. We may extend our stay into mid November, but there will be plenty of time yet. After so many millions of years, we Stegosaurids have learned to take the long view of things and be patient. We didn't mind either, as being so altruistic, it was against our nature to leave any earlier. Too many here need our help, especially after the mammal media gets bored and moves onto the next big story. One thing I want to be sure remains widely known among mammal and dinosaur alike is the reputation of the Stegosaurus Disaster Relief Agency. We have been there for the survivors of disaster in their time of need for millions of years, and expect to be there for millions of years more. It is what we do."

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"I just had a pleasant visit with my cousin Kentrosaurus, who, as Nigersaurus had told me in July, came to visit me in Colorado in the last week of August through the Labor Day holiday," said Stegosaurus.

"How nice of you to stomp by, cousin Kentrosaurus! Your claws must be weary; rest and visit for a while!"

"Greetings, cousin Stegosaurus! May the Lord be with you! It is so nice to visit you and America again," said Kentrosaurus. "The Lord Jesus blessed me with a long, but uneventful journey. I am glad to be here."

"What brings you to visit?" asked Stegosaurus.

"Well, I just felt like stomping by to visit you and America," said Kentrosaurus. "I also wanted to relate to you in person the event of an epiphany that I experienced in June."

"What is this ? Have you been stomping down the road to Damsascus?" asked Stegosaurus.

"Sister Quagga asked of me the same question, but no!" said Kentrosaurus. "By virtue of my work planting a forest for Widow Ground Sloth and her son, I have realized that good works as these more properly display the intent and Spirit of the Lord God than all the speaking of words and dogma ever will. I still do find inspiration in the Word, but find that the DEED most closely approximates the Lord God on Earth when we do good to our fellow creatures, be they dinosaur, mammal, or even those annoying new inventions of modern technology, INSECTS."

"When you can express love to insects, you have achieved something," observed Stegosaurus.

"I will tell you something else.... I realized that I most likely exist, as in part of this epiphany, so on June 18th I cut ties with the group Christians Against Dinosaurs as their official spokesdinosaur. Another reason for this split was the fact that they put up a new logo on their website that involved a picture of a Stegosaurus with a red strike through it. I took this change to mean that they didn't really want me around, and so I left. There was really no protest from the group when I did go. I just stomped away and that was that."

"I guess it should seem pretty obvious given the name of the group and their stated mission," said Stegosaurus. "If I may be frank, I am glad that you have reached this point in your intellectual development ..... every dinosaur within a stomp of an entire league as well as Woolly Mammoth were perpetually perplexed by your involvement with this strange group of delusional mammals."

"Mammals are strange," observed Kentrosaurus. "So, since I decided I exist, I felt compelled to build an ark in the event of a second Great Deluge as revealed in the Good Book. I am determined that I will not become extinct as before!"

"Nigersaurus told me you had been inspecting your ark's seaworthiness," said Stegosaurus. "What shall you do with it, til the Great day of rain comes?"

"One thing I have learned from the experience of the Creationist Museum is that an ark may be very seaworthy, but it is not very lucrative so I will not be making money with it."

"Learn from the mistakes of mammals," said Stegosaurus.

"Yes, I intend to," said Kentrosaurus. "I am not sure what to do with it just yet. I shall have to pray and ask the Lord Jesus."

"Kentrosaurus and I enjoyed the rest of our visit without discussing theology, which I found remarkable. We enjoyed trimming the nearby hills of my native State. I we enjoyed a nice meal of Pinus nigra of the Pinaceae family, and he learned a little about economics accordingly. It was a delightful visit; I enjoy my family."

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bonjour, je m’appelle Loricatosaurus!

"Je ne suis pas à Cambridge, j’ai décidé de rester proche de chez-nous et de creuser au tour de la France pour un bout de temps. Je suis très déterminée de ne pas abandonner. Mon époux ne se souci pas, mais il aime bien me supporter dans mon travail. Creuser pour moi est un plaisir et il aime me voir heureuse. Donc, pour accomplir ceci, Lexovissaurus et moi avons laissé notre confortable caverne le 4 Août et nous nous sommes dirigés vers Périgueux, France. Aussitôt que j’étais située, Lexovissaurus a continué vers Limoges pour collectionner de la verdure pour nous. De cette façon, je n’ai pas eu arrêté mon important travail. Périgueux est une très belle cité. J’ai choisi de commencer de creuser dans Vessuna, un très merveilleux centre culturel après que les Romains ont réclamé la cité des Celtiques, la semaine dernière ~~ ou peut-être de préférence en 200 AD. Sans aucun doute dans les environs dé cette période de temps.

Limoges est aussi une cité de mammifères qui est très intéressante; au 9ème siècle l’Abbé de St. Martial avait une large bibliothèque et une école de musique, mais ils ont été pillés en 1370 par Edward the Black Prince qui a détruit 1/6 de la population et la société n’a jamais récupéré. L’Abbé a été complètement détruit durant la Révolution française en 1792. Durant le 19 siècle les choses ont commencé à ce stabilisé pour une bonne période de temps, et l’industrie primaire de Limoges est devenue la manufacture de porcelaine et aussi une florissante industrie de cordonniers. Les centres d’intérêts date du Moyen Age qui inclue la crypte de St. Martial, la Chapel de Saint - Aurélien incluant ses reliques. Mon époux est allé à Jordin Botanique Alpin, un nouvel établissement de diner pour notre nourriture. Il est revenue avec du bon Cuppresseus Sempervirens ; nous avons aussi mangé du Juniperus Communis. Entre temps je suis allé avec lui à Limoges et nous avons visité la cité médiévale de mammifères; mais Périgueux a aussi son établissement de diner à Vessunna où j’ai choisi de creuser Nous avons tout mangé, c’était très délicieux. Nous avons aussi visité la Cathédrale de St. Font, qui date à l’origine de vers les 1120 et a été restauré durant le milieux du19th siècle. Les mammifères le considèrent le site de Patrimoine Humanitaire Mondial. Finalement durant ce voyage j’ai appris beaucoup de choses sur l’histoire des mammifères mais je ne me suis pas trouvé moi-même. Je ne suis pas découragé. Je ne vais pas abandonner!! Ceci est ma mission, de découvrir pourquoi ce suis devenue disparu!"

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

In the month of July Stegosaurus received an invitation from his friend Ankylosaurus.

"My friend Ankylosaurus invited me to Alberta, Canada because his Support Group for Partially Discovered Dinosaurs was holding a party to celebrate the discovery of a complete Nodosaurus mummy for the first time. It was to be held at Churchill Square in Edmonton, Alberta. I was delighted, and immediately accepted the invitation to the party. I was pleased to see my old friend Styracosaurus was there, and we enjoyed coffee plants together."

"Greetings and well met, friend Stegosaurus!" said Styracosaurus. "So nice to see you! And so glad to be here for Nodosaurus. It is an important day for him, and really for all dinosaurs."

"Yes," rejoined Stegosaurus. "Anytime any one of us has our history uncovered, any time a dinosaur which has suffered the indignity of being only partially discovered is finally fully discovered, it is a cause for great celebration."

"I have already spoken to Ankylosaurus on the good works he is doing for all the partially discovered dinosaurs of the world with his Support Group."

"As have I," said Stegosaurus. "I admire him a lot."

" .... and there he is now," observed Styracosaurus. "Hail, Ankylosaurus!" declared Styracosaurus.

"Styracosaurus! Stegosaurus! Thank you for coming!" said Ankylosaurus.

"We are very glad to be here," said Stegosaurus. "How big is this party? Who else did you invite?"

"Of course I could not restrict the guest list to only partially discovered dinosaurs as you have already noticed, I am sure," said Ankylosaurus. "The guest list ranges far and wide. I hope no one will be afraid that Tyrannosaurus Rex is invited. He really wanted to come and I felt sorry for him because since he's such an apex predator we rarely give him a chance in social situations."

"I have spikes on my tail for a reason," said Stegosaurus.

"And I a club on mine," rejoined Ankylosaurus. "We were discovered by the same paleontologist; I felt it was the right thing to do."

"When it comes right down to it old Rex is really just a big chicken," said Styracosaurus. "I fear him not, though I respect him. But enough of Rex. Where is the guest of honor?"

"Come with me, " said Ankylosaurus. He led both Stegosaurus and Styracosaurus to the far end of the Square.

Nodosaurus was found speaking with the sauropod Nigersaurus. When they saw the arrival of Stegosaurus, Styracosaurus and Ankylosaurus they were overjoyed.

"Thank you all for coming to my party," said Nodosaurus. "Welcome! Come join in our conversation. I was just explaining to Nigersaurus here my irritation with the mass media inaccurately reporting my complete discovery. I mean, I am certainly glad that they acknowledged it; it made this party possible but did any of you notice how they reported my discovery as a "new species"? I am not new! I appreciate the joy of being a newly discovered species for sure but I am also very proud of the fact that I was discovered and named by O.C. Marsh in 1889."

"You don't say!" exclaimed Stegosaurus. "What a surprise! I confess I didn't know! Perhaps I should have...."

"No offense taken, brother Stegosaurus. I see we have the same professor in common," said Nodosaurus. "I make the observation," he continued, finishing up his initial thought, "....that mammals have larger brains and therefore should use them to do some basic research before they print and publish a news story. They should at least get their facts straight, and you'd think they'd be that responsible."

"This is a common problem with all forms of mammal media," observed Nigersaurus. "It has become an unfortunate norm. If you will excuse me, I must return to the kitchen and help Brachiosaurus and Apatosaurus with the preparation of dinner."

"Very well, Nigersaurus; thanks for stomping by!" said Nodosaurus.

"Oh! Stegosaurus!" exclaimed Nigersaurus before he left, "Your cousin Kentrosaurus sends his regards and regrets that he was unable to attend; he has just built an ark, and was occupied with testing its seaworthiness. He asked me to tell you that he will visit with you before the end of the summer."

"Very well, thank you for delivering the message," said Stegosaurus. Then, Stegosaurus turned to Nodosaurus. "What else do we have in common, other than Professor Marsh?"

Then it was that Styracosaurus interrupted the festivities with alarm. "Beware everyone! Look!! Tyrannosaurus Rex is here!"

Every dinosaur present became apprehensive and went into a defense mindset immediately. All that is, except Ankylosaurus. "Fear not, friends," he said. "Recall that Tyrannosaurus Rex has been invited. I will speak with him at once and diffuse this situation. If he is hunting I will dis invite him to the festivities, and Stegosaurus and I will be forced to whack him with our tails."

"Agreed," said Stegosaurus.

After Tyrannosaurus Rex and Ankylosaurus held a brief conversation that the other dinosaurs could not hear, Tyrannosaurus Rex approached the nervous herbivores with Ankylosaurus close behind him.

"Fear not, for I have been invited on terms of my good behavior .... much like the times you have invited my acquaintance Spinosaurus to Christmas dinner I shall mind my manners here. No matter what happens here I promise not to eat a herbivore of any kind today. I wouldn't want to detract from Nodosaurus' special day. I hereby promise that if I find myself getting hungry I shall go out and instead of hunting one of you I shall hunt one of my own kind instead."

"Okay. Well if you put it that way then," said Nodosaurus. "Wait. What?"

"Have you not heard? Science now says that we Tyrannosaurs were rather cannibalistic on occasion. Don't worry I've eaten myself before. I taste kind of like chicken."

"No surprise there," said a rarely wide eyed Ankylosaurus.

"Oh and by the way, Rex," said Stegosaurus, "Congratulations on science confirming that your specific breed did not have feathers after all."

"Thank you Stegosaurus. It is a relief not to have to wear the speculative feathers I have been donning from time to time in the last few years for everything from our venerable scientific journals to memes."

"I still wish somebody would find me with feathers," confessed Stegosaurus.

"Maybe it will still happen," said Nodosaurus hopefully. "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but someday soon."

"We like you just the way you are," said Ankylosaurus.

After a while the natural apprehensiveness was reduced, and the jovial nature of the party resumed. At the conclusion of the evening Nodosaurus was called to give a speech. With gratitude he accepted.

"Thank you friends for coming, and especially to Ankylosaurus for organizing this party for me, and for his influential and important support group for partially discovered dinosaurs that helped me through so many dark times when for years I was partially discovered and headless. Now that I have a complete mummy with all my armor and even my guts intact, I have gone from being partially discovered to one of the most complete fossils ever found. I don't want my newly found head to get so big, so I want to thank Ankylosaurus for his help, and the help of all my brothers and sisters as yet still partially discovered in the group. I have been blessed to know you all. You are special and your day will come. Be patient and calm. Hold your head up high even if it isn't discovered yet. Keep the faith that the scientists and paleontologists are working on finding you, and your day will come. In the meantime be positive and true to the aid of your fellow creatures. Carry on with a cheerful step. Be nice to mammals; though I have expressed my irritation with their media it is their tireless efforts to dig us out of the earth and learn about us that enables us to live again, even if that living is only in a museum. This mindset can help you through until that glorious day when you are found whole again. Thank you all so very much."

Dinosaur ‘Mummy’ Unveiled With Skin And Guts Intact

Monday, June 19, 2017

Shortly after the visit of Dire Wolf in late May, Kentrosaurus had an epiphany of his own. He told Sister Quagga,

"I know it is not Epiphany season, but I have had an epiphany about something which has shaken my core belief to its foundation."

"What would that be?" asked Sister Quagga, with genuine interest.

"You know now for a few years I have I have been celebrity spokes dinosaur for the group of mammals calling themselves Christians Against Dinosaurs."

"Yes, we have all been aware, even Woolly Mammoth."

"Well, I have decided to leave their organization because of this epiphany. The split was effective yesterday, the 18th of June."

Sister Quagga was expecting something a little more dramatic, but was still surprised by this turn of events. She asked,

"What was the cause of this epiphany? Have you been stomping down the road to Damascus?"

"No, I saw no visions of the Lord Jesus," said Kentrosaurus. "There was no Pentecost, I did not speak in tongues."

"Then what was the cause?"

"There was no religious sign, such as the prophets saw in the Bible, but nonetheless I saw before me a sign from the Lord. Truth is that on June 14th I saw that the forest I had planted for the widow and son of Giant Ground Sloth had grown, and was now fit to be habitable by the Megatheriums. Widow Ground Sloth and her son were so grateful for the home that I had provided for them, that they were in tears of joy, and I felt such a sense of accomplishment in the undertaking of this project that by that evening I was contemplating the direction my life was taking. Maybe, as the Bible says in many places, Good deeds in action make clear the narrow path that leads the way and opens the gates of Heaven. Maybe it really is all in being a helpmeet to our fellow creatures and putting those words into practice rather than just speaking them before the masses with zeal. Maybe the truth is not just in what you believe but what you do. Faith in action. After this I could not be more divisive to my fellow creatures and rather than be a spokes dinosaur for a political organization I should seek out more projects that help those in need. It seems to me that this is the true Christian way. Faith, Hope, Love, Charity. All of these things in action."

"Wow. I am impressed. And very proud of you," said Sister Quagga.

"I am glad; that means a lot to me." rejoined Kentrosaurus.

"I was speaking yesterday to Widow Ground Sloth, and I think that with this epiphany it is likely that I do exist. My bones are in the Earth not as a test from the Lord God, but as proof that I existed. Thus, I have concocted a great plan from the Bible itself. I am following the instructions to the letter from Genesis Chapter 6 for building an Ark, just as Noah built an Ark. Widow Ground Sloth and her son agreed to help, as well as Woolly Mammoth. This time, when the rain falls, when the great deluge drowns the Earth and all of its sins, I will not become extinct, I will survive! I will say no to extinction and yes to life!"

"What of Dire Wolf, will he help?" asked Sister Quagga.

"I am sure he would, but he has already begun his journey back to California. You know it took him a long time to travel to Africa and it shall take him a long time to return to America. But, would you like to help me build an Ark?"

Sister Quagga was skeptical of religion, but she was so proud of Kentrosaurus and how much he had learned from his epiphany that she agreed.

"Widow Ground Sloth and her son will be good friends, you will like them. I am so grateful. It will be nice to have you with us."

The next day Kentrosaurus gathered Sister Quagga, Widow Ground Sloth and her son, along with Woolly Mammoth, and read from the book of Genesis, Chapter 6, 14: ~ 16.

"So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.
This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.
Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit high all around. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks."

"Well, now, some translations say we should use goferwood; what is that exactly? I have been eating trees for millions of years and never crossed paths with it .... what should we do?" asked Kentrosaurus of Woolly Mammoth, who of course, knows his Bible.

"I am aware of this curiousity," replied Woolly Mammoth; and having consulted the Jewish Encyclopedia, I have concluded that cypress is the type of wood intended by the Bible .... by the Word of the Lord God".

"I shall take your word on the issue and follow your wisdom," said Kentrosaurus.

So the work began, and Widow Ground Sloth and her son, joined in to help. They made friends with Sister Quagga right away just as Kentrosaurus had predicted.

"We are so grateful for the forest that Kentrosaurus planted for us," Widow Ground Sloth told Sister Quagga. It was such a generous, Christian thing to do .... if only all the world practiced their Faith as Kentrosaurus and his mentor Woolly Mammoth do the world would be a better, kinder place."

"If there is such a thing as an afterlife ruled by an all powerful benevolent being, if we are do be judged by a Creator, then surely we should be judged by our actions, more by our actions, than by what we believe. Find an ideal, make reaching it your life's goal, live it to the letter and you cannot fail," said Sister Quagga. "It is good advice for anyone .... the principle of love, charity and kindness is not exclusively the domain of the religious. I am however very proud of Kentrosaurus as I have seen him come a long way in the last few years and I will help him build an ark even though I am skeptical of the impending end of the world."

"You are both very kind," said Widow Ground Sloth. "Kentrosaurus has always spoken very highly of you and I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I should like you to meet my son, my pride and joy, who remains the image of his dear departed father."

Widow Ground Sloth called to her son, and a younger, slightly smaller Ground Sloth came to his mother's side. Formal introductions were made, and young Ground Sloth said, "I am very pleased to meet you, Sister Quagga. Come visit our forest any time, and we will visit you on the plains."

"I would like that very much," said Quagga. "Now we have been working all day, the Ark is nearly finished, and since Woolly Mammoth is serving a dinner we should be polite and listen to his evening sermon on Phillipians 4:13."

The Ground Sloths agreed, and as the sun set they all turned towards The Holy Pentecostal Church of the Pleistocene Revival. Woolly Mammoth, with typical zeal, opened his sermon.

"Brothers and Sisters all, Welcome and thank you all for the assistance in building Kentrosaurus' Ark. Should the Lord Almighty ever decide to again flood the earth with a great deluge of waters, we will be ready. In spite of all the sin prevalent in the World today, I hope He is more merciful than in the days of Noah, but should it be His will, we will all be ready. Though this great Ark we will be ready.

Welcome all in the name of Christ Jesus. Tonight for the evening sermon I am so inclined to preach upon the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians. From Chapter 4 verse 4, I say to you as Paul did: Rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again, REJOICE! The bright blessings of friends old such as Kentrosaurus and Sister Quagga are joined in love with new acquaintances such as Widow Ground Sloth and her beloved son who have experienced the painful loss of their husband and father, called to the bosom of the Lord too soon for our liking. To our new friend and recent convert, recent visitor Dire Wolf we are grateful. Dire Wolf has returned to his native California USA to bring the Word of Lord Jesus to all in his country who will listen. He travels as Paul travelled, speaking the truth of the Gospel to the masses. Praise the Lord, who in his Grace has aligned the Heavens to cause our acquaintance.

Again, from the scripture, All who may hear may you be joined in love and "....let your gentleness be evident to all, as the Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Perhaps I should give this sermon again in November when mammals celebrate Thanksgiving in a large part of North America, but I think any day we are alive, far distant from the cold, cold land of Extinction, we should bow our heads and be humble in thanksgiving to the Lord of Hosts. If you do not understand, fear not! For as the scripture tells us, And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Yes, brothers and sisters, whatever is true whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praise worthy think about such things. Whatever you have seen or heard from me, put into practice. Live your life as an example of what to be so that people who see and feel your presence will want to emulate you. Speak not the Word if your actions are hollow for to speak the Word without appropriate action is desecration of the Word and an affront to the Lord God. You are representatives of the Lord God's work on Earth and you must live a positive example if you seek the path to Heaven. The God of Peace, the Son of Peace, be with you all.

We must be content in our circumstances and if we want turn to prayer as the Lord will provide to those who believe and point the way to find the help we seek. I know what it is to need, and what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret, And I will tell you brothers and sisters because I love you what I know what Faith in the Lord has taught me through many thousands of years of living, my many thousands in the land of extinction, what got me through those dark times is my faith in the Lord that He would provide me release in due course a time of His choosing. Patience, Faith and Love are my treasure of hold and give for as I give so shall I receive. I know the Secret! I have learned the Secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, living in plenty or in want, I CAN DO EVERYTHING THROUGH HIM THAT GIVES ME STRENGTH! It has been good of you to share my troubles, That we should all share these troubles together for we have all come from the same Creator and at a time appointed by Him and known only to Him we shall be called away so we shall live right, and when called away know in our hearts that we shall all be joined by Grace in the highest Heaven to kneel at the foot of the Lord Jesus Christ in gratitude.

I am looking for what may be accredited to your account! To our accounts as brothers and sisters to the Lord God. Follow me, for My God will meet your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus!! To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever AMEN. Can I get an AMEN, brothers and sisters!?! As I raise mine eyes and mine trunk to the Heavens in prayer and honest supplication, can I get an AMEN and Hallelujah? This is my sermon, this is my hope that belongs to me and to you and to all of us! Go, go in the name of the Lord in peace. Bring his word to all who may hear that Grace may be theirs. Grace, peace, and love!"

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

"On June 1st I celebrated by 140 million and 11th birthday," said Stegosaurus. "This year was very special, because just as he had promised me, my friend Congresssaurus Triceratops stomped into Colorado for a visit."

"Hello, Congresssaurus Triceratops! Welcome to Colorado! Thank you for coming to visit and taking time out of your busy schedule to celebrate MY birthday!"

"I am very glad to stop and visit; it gives me a chance to rest my weary claws, and spending time with good friends is always pleasant." rejoined Congresssaurus Triceratops.

"How are things in Wyoming?" asked Stegosaurus.

"I did stomp from my native State after visiting my constituents," said Congressaurus Triceratops. "I love my constituents, and they love me, but I am really feeling it necessary to retire soon. I want to get out before the meteors start falling ... I will make an announcement once I return to DC."

"We did discuss a Gardening venture when I was in DC last month," said Stegosaurus. "I would be pleased to have your help on my cucumber project, and we can expand the garden to grow what ever you'd like."

"Though an old dinosaur, I am but a young gardener," observed Congresssaurus Triceratops.

"Now look, I have a cake for my birthday," observed Stegosaurus.

"Cakes sound like a mammal tradition," said Congressaurus Triceratops.

"They are a mammal tradition, and though pretty well set in my ways after more than 140 million years, a birthday cake is a modern tradition I have adopted."

"I had best brush all of my 800 teeth after this cake," said Congresssaurus Triceratops. "It looks delicious."

"It is," said Stegosaurus. "I usually get the same kind of cake every year, a coconut cream cake because I also like to eat a good coconut tree now and again, if I am lucky enough to find one. If I do I have to travel; they don't grow well in Colorado since polar ice caps were invented."

"I haven't eaten one myself in a long time," said Congressaurus Triceratops. "Cheers to your birthday, friend Stegosaurus! May this year be a year of prosperity for you, and may you live for millions more yet to come!"

Sunday, May 21, 2017

In the final week of May Stegosaurus stomped up to Washington DC at the behest of his good friend Congresssaurus Triceratops, the long respected leader of the Dinosaur Congressional Caucus. The three horned faced Congresssaurus declared the matter most urgent and requested Stegosaurus come to him at his earliest convenience. Stegosaurus was perplexed and concerned; he had spent so much time in Florida this Spring that he had not been following the news. The two dinosaurs met outside the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum. They could not go inside, because the Dinosaur Hall is still under construction.

"Thank you for coming, friend Stegosaurus," said Congresssaurus Triceratops, appearing slightly distressed. "I am glad to see you. This matter is most urgent, and I must speak with you about it at once."

"What is it?" asked Stegosaurus, concerned. "Are you well?" he asked, thinking, "I hope he won't ask me to run for office again; I am happy at home in the tranquil pursuit of gardening and science; I have no ambition to govern mammal or dinosaur."

"Be at ease," assured Congresssaurus Triceratops. "I am well, the matter has nothing to do with my health."

"I am so glad to hear it," rejoined Stegosaurus. "Obviously, though, something is amiss. You do not look at ease yourself."

"I am not," conceded Congresssaurus Triceratops. "Let me begin at the beginning. On the first of this month I attended a local production here of the Broadway show Finian's Rainbow, and left the theatre humming the tune "How Are Things In Glocca Morra?" to myself. Stomping back to my Senate chamber, I then stopped and some birds in the trees spoke to me, you know they're my descendants."

"They're mine, too", observed Stegosaurus. "I'm even bird - hipped!"

"You may have noticed that the mammals of Washington DC are investigating each other for suspected ties to Russia of late," said Congresssaurus Triceratops.

"I may have heard something about that before leaving for Florida," said Stegosaurus. "An unfortunate situation. They should spend more time helping each other."

"I know," agreed Congresssaurus Triceratops, and then he continued: "The mammals are so rabid to find connections to Russia everywhere and in everything that some anonymous source has informed me that another anonymous source will investigate me for serving as a Soviet spy because I attended that particular play, which references birds, and because I spoke to birds on Government property."

"That is absurd," said Stegosaurus. "Are you sure these mammals are using their larger brains?"

"Somehow I doubt it," said Congresssaurus Triceratops. "If it were just that, I'd weather the storm as I did the year that Congress denied my very existence. But this time there's more."

"More? You're kidding!" said Stegosaurus.

"Sadly I am not. A third anonymous source told my second anonymous source that told my first anonymous source that the mammals want
my monument at the National Zoo taken down."

"The mammals in this city have lost their minds!" observed Stegosaurus. "I am so glad to have lost my Senate bid in 2008. What has your monument to do with Russia? I thought the mammals were done with their Cold War in 1991."

Congresssaurus Triceratops continued, "The triplicate anonymous source heard from a fourth anonymous source that a group of mammals were marching around my monument the other night carrying torches and chanting that 'Russia is our friend!' and subsequently it has been branded a gathering place for racists and it is hard for me to accomplish anything now."

"Does anyone do anything under their own name in this town, or is everyone anonymous?" asked Stegosaurus.

"Increasingly I think not," said Congresssaurus Triceratops, tears welling in his eyes. "I've served in a public capacity for over 70 million years though many forms of mammal government, and even before mammals were on the scene .... but I have not seen things this polarized since I was in the Roman Senate some 500 years ago. If the mammals stopped being anonymous around here and put their names to their actions, they'd have to actually be nice, and then they might accidentally solve a problem. For example it will cost $700,000 dollars to move my monument; money that would be better used repairing and improving public roads and services. They could donate money to a homeless shelter or orphanage. They could give money to universities that aid the education of their minority groups. They could stop believing every bit of propaganda they hear and read a book about me so that they know the good things I have accomplished in all my years of public service, and all that science has learned about me since I was discovered in 1889 by Professor Marsh. But maybe that's too much to ask."

"I am so sorry," said Stegosaurus. "Removing a monument is a disservice to the educations of millions of future citizens. What are you going to do about it?"

"I just don't think I'm going to run for re election in 2018," said Congresssaurus Triceratops. "I think I could accomplish much more outside these corrupt marble halls. Maybe I will join you in the pursuit of gardening and science. Have you extracted sunlight from cucumbers yet?"

"No, that I have not," conceded Stegosaurus. "Come help me anytime. I'm sure that if the two of us put our heads together we can solve the problem. I think if I could extract sunlight from cucumbers it might benefit the environment considerably. What will happen to the Dinosaur Congressional Caucus? Who will lead it?"

"I have not yet discussed my leaving with them; I have only told you. The new leader will be a choice for them to make at some point in time down the road," rejoined Congressaurus Triceratops. "Now speaking of roads, I must stomp over to Wyoming and visit with my constituents in June. I will, if you'd like stomp by Colorado and visit you on your 140 million and 11th birthday. Then, we may discuss the extracting of sunlight from delicious, delicious cucumbers."

"You are welcome to visit," said Stegosaurus. "You will find gardening and science much less stressful than mammal politics in Washington DC. This I know to be most certain."

Monday, May 15, 2017

It was so observed in the Spring that Dire Wolf kept his word and traveled from the La Brea Tar Pits in California USA to Johannesburg South Africa in order to visit Woolly Mammoth's Holy Pentecostal Church of the Pleistocene Revival as he had promised in August, 2016.

Kentrosaurus was outside trimming the hedges, ( but not eating the flowers ) when Dire Wolf arrived on Sunday, May 14th inst.,

"I am so overjoyed to see you!" exclaimed Kentrosaurus. "I rejoice that you have kept your word and come all this way to hear the Word of the Lord."

"A long journey have I made, Kentrosaurus, a very long journey. A pilgrimage it was just as in the Medieval age of mammals."

"Indeed! Welcome!" said Kentrosaurus. "Make yourself at home, brother Dire Wolf; I shall return anon with Woolly Mammoth. He shall rejoice to see thee, and I am sure provide a sermon for thy Spiritual well being."

Woolly Mammoth was at the rear of the Church, in the Prayer Garden, washing statues of Jesus and Saint Francis of Assisi with his trunk.

several varieties of song birds were chirping gaily, so accustomed to the presence of Woolly Mammoth that they were in no ways afraid of him.

The sun was shining, and there was not a cloud in the sky; a light, warm, pleasant breeze moved through Woolly Mammoth's wool, and he rejoiced in the late Spring harbinger of a delightful Summer and the joy the Season would bring.

"Woolly Mammoth! I must speak with you!" said Kentrosaurus.

"Of course, Kentrosaurus. What can I do for you, this fine day? I do hope all is well, canst thou hear thy relatives, the birds? How wonderful they sing, only the angels of the Lord may be more of a divine choir."

"Indeed, sir. Indeed. I ask if you recall Dire Wolf from our revival last summer in California at La Brea."

"Indeed I do recall him. I do think we saved his soul."

"You will rejoice to know that Dire Wolf is a wolf of his word. He promised to come to South Africa to see thee, and behold! He is here in the front yard, having traveled all the way from the United States."

"Bless the Lord Jesus. Our work has borne fruit. I have saved a soul."

"I know the morning sermon has passed; but will you provide some word from the Holy Book for him? He has come such a long way."

"Of course I will. At once."

And at once Woolly Mammoth and Kentrosaurus went to the front of the Church where Dire Wolf waited.

"Greetings brother Dire Wolf! I understand you have come a long way to see me and hear the Word of the Lord. Welcome to my home, and the Holy Pentecostal Church of the Pleistocene Revival."

"Yes I have made a mighty pilgrimage, Woolly Mammoth. I felt compelled by your sermon last summer to seek the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings."

"Come to the garden with me. Kentrosaurus, you may leave your work on the hedges for the time being. We shall go 'round back and relax in the garden for a time. I feel compelled to give an impromptu sermon on Proverbs 10:29."

"Thank you sir," said Kentrosaurus.

Returned to the garden, Woolly Mammoth began his sermon.

"Brothers and sisters, birds of the air, Kentrosaurus, and brother Dire Wolf who has journeyed far to see us and hear the word of Christ, welcome. This afternoon, I feel compelled to speak upon The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 10 verse 29."

"Verily, The Good Book's wisdom says to us, "The Way of the Lord is a refuge for the righteous; but it is the ruin of those who do evil.
When troubles beset thee, trust in the Lord to see thee through them. Justice will prevail for those who believe, though times are tough and it may seem that evil prevails, The Lord will guard against thy ruin. Those who commit evil against their neighbor will, in turn be visited by evil, because their actions will condemn them to face their crimes before the Judge on Most High. Perhaps not on the spur of the moment; for justice is not always instantaneous; but bear thy burden with patience for the Lord has not forgotten."

"For the Way of the Lord is ruin for those who do evil; That which ye visit upon your neighbor, ye visit upon yourself. That which ye give shall be returned to thee; that which ye give shall be multiplied upon thee. It will be best for thee to keep this in mind, and to think before ye speak; give love and thou shalt receive love tenfold. Visit hate upon thy brother, and thou shalt have hate returned to thee TENfold. It is thy choice, so choose wisely. Choose wisely, brothers. The Lord watches thee, and knows thy heart. Be guided by His word, believe in His word, and ye cannot fail. Ye will be blessed. Amen."

Dire Wolf remained as a guest of the Woolly Mammoth Holy Pentecostal Church of the Pleistocene Revival for several months. Over this time he made many friends and his Spiritual health was attended to by regular sermons on a twice daily basis. Woolly Mammoth did not consider this to be a chore; he was delighted to know he had saved a soul.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

"I was overjoyed when, at the end of Spring Break it was decided that my class and I remain in Florida to study the lush, tropical verdure there. So I have enjoyed an extended vacation of sorts in the lovely subtropical climate of the far South," said Stegosaurus.

"I met with a herd of my classmates just outside of Panama City, and we enjoyed a meal of that miracle of modern technology, grass. We identified it as Sisyrinchium angustifolium, an aquatic variety with lovely and tasty blue flowers. Then we were all happy to discover a very large stand of Cephalanthus occidentalis bushes, of which there was enough for all of us. Late in the afternoon I found a nice stand of Pteridophytes, specifically monilophytes but they were not of the low fat variety, and I recalled that I was on a diet so I left them to my classmates and contented myself with that kind that would help me maintain my figure, as well as a Cycadales or two. My classmates admired my restraint, and of course appreciated my generosity and willingness to share."

"In total, I was in Florida for over a month, for we did not leave this lovely tropical paradise until mid April, in order to prepare for the semester finals. I have been doing well so far in my classes this semester. It is easy when life is so pleasant. I feel like I am the happiest and most content Stegosaurus in the whole world."

Sunday, March 12, 2017

"This semester I decided to go on vacation during Spring Break," said Stegosaurus. " So, when midterm finals were over, I stomped down to Florida's Panama City Beach to relax and see if a Spring Break vacation would live up to its hype. On the beach I enjoyed the weather; it was quite pleasant but there were no trees there, and the place was crowded often with young mammals acting silly and making lots of noise. There was water to drink, but alas, it was very salty."

"The mammals were indeed very friendly. They complimented me and a few tried to ride on my back. Out of kindness I obliged for a little while, but in a short time I began to long for some peace and quiet. Also, I was getting quite hungry. I left the friendly young mammals with a couple complimentary cases of my beer, Stegosaurus Stout, and went on my way to Panama City, Florida.

I immediately fell in love with the subtropical weather which reminded me so well of those bygone days just out of my shell when the world lacked those pesky polar ice caps. Thinking about my youth made me very hungry for some delicious fresh Cycadophyta, so I stomped down forthrightly to the nearest swamp in search of one of my oldest dietary staples. Along the way I also enjoyed a nice meal of Chamaecyparis thyoides. Also I ate a few Toxicodendron vernix; it is fortunate that I do not have any problems being exposed to this plant as many mammals do; the stand I found was in shrub form rather than tree form but either way they are quite delicious."

"I was tempted to eat some nice Carya cordiformis, but then I remembered what my vet told me about my jaw and the tough bark of some trees; how I should just settle for roots and ferns, the way I was designed. I compromised with a good meal of Salix caroliniana instead. I really enjoyed my vacation. I needed some time to enjoy trees I wanted to eat, rather than what academia asked me to identify for a good grade; and once I was in the swamp, I realized how much I needed solitude for a while from the great abundance of mammals that have overspread the Earth in our modern times. It was very pleasant indeed. At the end of the week I returned to class recharged and ready to learn. I was really inspired by Loricatosaurus recent graduation to do well."

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Bonjour, je m’appelle Loricatosaurus!

"Après avoir graduez d’Oxford, j’avais hâte de retourner en Angleterre et de commencer mon nouvel emploi comme un Paléontologiste! Je ne suis pas inquiète de me retrouver; si je continue de creuser, je vais me retrouver éventuellement ; je dois être quelque part! Mon cher époux qui est tout naturellement attaché à la France était venu à ma graduation d’Oxford et a sauté à la chance de venir, parce que cela était très important pour moi. Je lui ai dit que j’étais convaincu que j’étais Française, mais que quelque pièces de moi-même avait été trouvées en Angleterre en 1957 et que je voulais commencer une recherche à cette endroit. Nous avons laissé notre confortable caverne Française, le 7 de Janvier, et avons piétiné directement à Cambridgeshire, Angleterre dans presque pas de temps. Durant la belle après-midi du 15 de Janvier, nous sommes allés à la cité de la cathédrale de Peterborough où des pièces de moi ont été trouvées dernièrement. Ceci était 75 miles précisément en dehors de Londres, un beau petit village sur la rivière Nene. Les mammifères ont vécu ici depuis le 12ème siècle, mais je pense que c’était bien avant ce siècle.

Avant de commencer à creuser, nous avons prise une belle marche le long de la rivière Nene et nous avons mangé un délicieux repas de Betula pubescens, ensemble. Nous avons dégusté un dessert de Prunus spinosa; mais il n’y avait pas beaucoup d’endroits sauvages dans la cité; elle traverse un grand afflux de migration de mammifères et aussi tous les plans de construction qui suaient avec tout cela. Pourtant nous avons passé un très beau temps.

Dès le levé du soleil de la prochaine matinée, j’ai sérieusement commencé à creuser. Pour notre pause déjeuner nous avons pensé de manger encore des Prunus spinosa; mais nous voulions conserver la verdure de l’endroit et ne pas manger tout autours de nous, mon cher époux était d’accord d’aller rechercher un autre type de bel arbre qui est plus en abondance, pour manger. Il est revenu après avoir ramassé un généreux montant de Crataegus monogyna pour nous deux.

Il m’a demandé si j’avais jusqu’à présent trouvé quoi que ce soi. Si j’avais trouvé quelque chose de moi-même. Je lui ai répondu, "Non pas encore, mon chéri ..... mais je ne suis pas découragé. Une chose qu’un dinosaure a apprit après beaucoup de millions d’années est la patience."

"Je suis déterminée de me trouver tôt ou tard; Je vais continuer d’essayer quel que soit le montent de temps qu’il faut. Cette année, l’année prochaine, un million années d’aujourd’hui, je vais continuer jusqu’à ce que je sache où j’y suis."

"Maintenant que je suis graduée d’Oxford et je suis éduquée, j’ai le temps de considérer d’autres choses en plus de où je suis. Ma question pour toi, cher époux est, as-tu jamais considéré de devenir un père. Penses-tu avoir des enfants une bonne idée?"

" Ma chère, honnêtement je ne sais pas. J’ai des soucis, maintenant que le sujet a été approché," répondit mon époux.

Je lui ai demandé d’élaborer et il a été franc avec moi, immédiatement, il m’a dit, "Tu sais que l’année de notre mariage la science m’a déclaré nomen dubium (n’existe plus) j’accepte que la science croit que je n’existe plus !! Ils sont toujours après catégorisez les choses et toutes les planètes. Que ferons-nous lorsque la Science décidera que nous sommes nomen dubium ?? Quelle sorte de vie auront-ils nous enfants?"

"Mon observation d’être nomen dubium n’a pas fait du mal à Trachodon ou Agathaumas".

"Stégosaures Claus leur a donné des cadeaux de Noël l’année dernière et l’année précédente."

"Je me rappelle de ce que mon cousin Stégosaures a fait pour eux," répondit Lexovissaurus, "Mais il n’y a pas de stigma associé avec nomen dubium, Trachodon et Agathaumas sont confortables, mais c’est une vie difficile et je ne sais pas si je veux que nos enfants vivent cette sorte de vie."

"Ce n’est pas comme nous allons tous disparaitre," j’ai répondit. "Nous allons toujours être là pour eux, nous ne seront pas mentionnés dans les journaux scientifiques ..."

"Torosaurus? Quand le Congrès Américain débattait l’existence des Congresssaurus Triceratops il y a quelques années; il a disparu après son témoignage."

"Il n’a pas disparu," je lui ai dit, ".....son nom a été désactivé, afin de respecter l'esprit et l'objectif du présent accord il est devenu un Triceratops. Il a été simplement classifié de nouveau."

"Tu a raison; étant donné, c’est une bonne considération, et peut-être nous devons y penser après que tu te retrouveras. Peut-être dans quelques millions d’années ou plus. Aussi longtemps que cela prendra."

"D’accord, mon chéri," "Nous allons en discuter aussitôt que tu te retrouveras. De nouveau, je dois être dans les environs quelques parts. Je ne dois pas être trop loin d’ici de dans les derniers 166 million années."
Write Stegosaurus an email ! Stegosaurusmail AT Gmail DOT COM